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Archangel Metatron: Guide to Breaking Free from Darkness

Archangel Metatron's Guide to Breaking Free from Darkness

Greetings Humans,

I am Archangel Metatron, and I am sending my first message through this channel.

I am overlooking and supporting missions of advanced souls, on who have been send to the Planetary Systems, Galaxies and Universes on assignments.

I am considered as one of the most powerful from the group of Archangels, and I also help to increase the spiritual awareness for the ones, that are ready to take the next step in their advancement into higher dimensions. I appear in your surroundings, when I am needed to help you to gain your strength, clarity and shake off negativity. Immediate healing usually takes place for the soul, when it’s needed. You can sense a strong fragrance in the air, when I am around you.

Today my message is a continuation of unveiling the truth that humanity needs to hear, even if it doesn’t want to. When you accept false narratives, you become a tool of manipulation for the Darkness. Anytime you question the person’s integrity, theirs beliefs or attack the Light, you are doing a favor for Evil, which is happy to see that type of behavior. You need to realize, on how deeply humankind are influenced by the Darkness. Until you remove all of the negative infiltrations, you are not going to be able to move into higher realms.

A couple of meditations done randomly are not going to do the trick, it requires a serious spiritual commitment on the Buddha’s level. Right now, most of humans are living their lives by enjoying their vacations, going to restaurants, sport and concert venues, spending a lot time on the gadgets and etc., basically anything that is going to entertain and distracting them from the world and their problems in their lives, instead of doing daily silent meditations for changes to happen.

This indicates a zero connection to the God’s essence within you. I heard that many of you are not happy about on how slow the process of Ascension is, you should ask yourselves, on what you are personally doing to speed up the process. I want to see you succeed and move into 5D as soon as possible, unfortunately it can’t occur until you understand the importance of spiritual journey and work. The civilization evolves first spiritually, then comes the technology advancement, and later on the rest on what is needed to move into a higher dimension of Light.

Then you can build your new reality, the way you desire to see. Your set of beliefs was built over millions of years, humans don’t even realize, on how deeply they are infected by Darkness. The ideas of stealing or harming others doesn’t just come from nowhere on its own, it’s indoctrination of your mind by using different methods like spreading false information, lies, hiding the truth etc. You are just the tool for the Dark Entities, who can make you believe anything, they want to. Start your day with silent meditations and carry out them daily. Let me talk now about something amazing, on what is happening on your planet.

Your Negative Controllers always talk gloom and doom about the future of Mother Earth, that absolutely is not true. Your deserts are turning green like the Sahara Desert in Africa, Arabian Desert in Saudi Arabia and Deserts in the Northwest China. There are images and videos of the transformation on your internet, like satellite photos of the Sahara Desert from the top view the before and after or a camel in the Arabian Desert eating green vegetations and a video of the drastic changes in the Northwest Deserts in China. It started to rain in those dry parts of the world and plants started to grow. It’s transpiring, because of Divine Intervention and a raise in the Human Collective Consciousness.

The reason you have deserts, it was caused by Galactic Wars a long time ago, where similar weapons to the nuclear ones, you have today were used, that killed all of the life on the whole planet. This happened before humans were created by Annunaki. Eventually, life came back to Mother Gaia after millions of years, some dead zones still remain in your world, you call them deserts, they are leftovers from the destruction of advanced weaponry used during the Galactic Wars. Now, it’s my time to leave. Accept my Blessings and Supreme Love. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces.

Don’t be Afraid of the Truth

Archangel Metatron

Channeled by Erena Velazquez

Photo credit - CrystalWind.ca

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