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Archangel Metatron: Overcome Fear of Failure

Archangel Metatron: Overcome Fear of Failure

Greetings beloved beings of light, I am Archangel Metatron. I invite you to be present with me in this moment as I bring forth the angelic love and peace to surround you.

I wish to speak of the fear of failing and how strong this fear can be within your being.

It is natural to activate fear from within your being in response to certain situations and experiences. Fear supports you with connecting with your inner aspect. It also supports you in recognizing and ensuring your safety.

Fear, however, is often activated too powerfully or too many times and therefore fear becomes a natural existence…a way of living and a way of being…rather than a response to ensure your safety; to ensure that you take a moment to connect within your being to bring forth energies such as understanding, wisdom, guidance and thoughts that support you in that moment.

Fear, in many ways, is like a pause. It invites you to pause, to reflect within and ask what is needed.

What do you need to support yourself, in that moment?

Is there a need to reassess your actions, your perspective or your thoughts?

Fear can be immensely valuable. However, when fear becomes stuck within your being and stuck within your sub-conscious mind, due to trauma or negative experiences or feeling unsafe in the world, then you begin to live from that space of fear. Therefore, not only are you connecting with, energizing and experiencing fear within your own being, but you are also projecting it into your own reality.

Many people hold the stuck energy of fear of failing. They are fearful of failure and this can be in many aspects of that being, in daily reality, in their ascension process, and spiritual growth. It can be in achieving new things, achieving one’s dreams and desires in relationships, even your relationship with yourself.

Imagine for a moment, that in your relationship with yourself, you may have this stuck energy of either thinking that you are failing, or a fear of failing.

When we contemplate failure, we can connect with energies such as: not completing something, falling down, not being fully equipped or skilled to achieve something, not being ready or able, lacking in something.

In truth, we are denying ourselves fulfilment, completion and success, and so there is this fear of failing. Maybe it is connected to how you will look if you fail, or it might be that you’re fearful of how it will feel when you fail.

We can also recognize it as a fear of completion, a fear of fulfilment and success. You are doubting yourself. You are saying that you are unworthy of completion, fulfilment and success and so already you are creating boundaries and limitations. You’re creating an element of concern and worry, and a lack of belief in your abilities, while also creating a belief that even though you may try, you will not succeed.

If you are embarking upon a journey with these energies, you can imagine that the journey would be tremendously challenging.

Every being has this energy of fear and failure, maybe only minutely, or to a great extent. To some extent it ensures that you are safe – you stay in the surroundings, in the embodiment that you understand and you already know – and yet you are denying yourself connection with the Creator because we can recognize that fulfilment, completion and success are also a connection with the Creator and when fear is present…fear of failure…you are denying yourself connection with the Creator, and the Creator within you, for the journey.

Therefore, you are trying to walk a pathway or a journey, without support, and you are trying to complete something without the presence of support, love and connection.

So, how do we overcome this because you may hold these energies from another lifetime, or from this lifetime – maybe something that occurred in your childhood?

The most appropriate and beneficial thing to do is to recognize the fear and recognize the fear of failure. Just recognizing it, accepting it, exploring it, thinking about it and letting the words of fear and failure talk to you – telling you what it’s like – then you have a greater understanding.

Then it is appropriate to go, with your intention, into your heart space…your Heart Chakra and your Higher Heart Chakra above your Heart Chakra…to feel the love that is present and the support – the immense support that is present for you from your own being, your essence, your guides, your soul, your soul group and the Creator. Feel that energy of support and love and surround the fear and failure with that love and support until it dissolves.

You may need to continue to do that each day, or maybe once a week, or every time you think of a situation or an experience. Gradually you will find that fear steps back and that you find yourself completing things. Completion doesn’t mean it’s the end. It can simply be reaching a point where you are able to recognize the advancement that has been made.

With this understanding you will then find that failure simply dissolves as well, not only in the area upon which you are concentrating, but in other areas as well. Gradually you recognize that everything begins to flourish…flow easily…that you feel more confident, more self-assured and that things are manifesting for you.

While you are in that space of feeling fear of failure, it’s as if you are locking yourself in and holding on tight. Without the fear of failure, you trust your intuition, you take leaps of faith…they may not always work out. You can heal yourself, you can change direction and you can mend things.

I, Archangel Metatron, invite you to contemplate my words and to contemplate your own inner sense of fear of failure.

Where does it come up the most?

Where do you recognize it the most?

Maybe there are stuck experiences because you are fearful of failing. What can you discover about yourself now?

My love is with you always.

I am Archangel Metatron. Thank you.


Channelled through Natalie Glasson 
Natalie Glasson is a Channel, Author, Workshop Facilitator, Spiritual Mentor and Founder of the Sacred School of OmNa. Natalie has been a channel for over 10 years dedicating her life to assisting others in awakening to the light of the Creator. Natalie has always been able to connect with and express the consciousness of numerous Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angels, Elementals, Goddess Beings and Star Beings. She constantly shares new wisdom and enlightenment to aid emergence of the divine energy within the physical body, thus supporting the manifestation the Era of Love. Source Here

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