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Archangel Metatron: Your Guide to Surrendering for Awakening
Written by Natalie Glasson
Greetings beloved beacons of light, I am Archangel Metatron.
May the joy of the angelic kingdom and the Creator be present within your being, within your heart and within your soul. Let this joy emanate into your entire being, into every cell and every aspect of yourself. May you experience joy fully upon the earth.
I, Archangel Metatron wish to speak of an energy vibration coming forth at this time of ascension. It can be recognized by three colours: yellow, orange and violet. These three colors of light are merging; they are synthesizing and travelling across the entire Universe of the Creator, together. They create a powerful full mix that is supporting a deep awakening within many.
The purpose of this energy is to support you in surrendering…surrendering in a way that empowers you, that brings you closer to your own inner truth, your own inner knowingness and supporting you in accessing the deepening/evolving essence of the Creator, within your being.
The energy is labelled Surrendering for Awakening. It supports you in realizing how to surrender to awakening.
I, Archangel Metatron, invite you to contemplate with me for a moment.
Are there areas of your reality that seem stuck; that you don’t feel that you know what to do or maybe things keep on happening in a negative way?
Maybe you feel burdened by your reality.
Maybe you feel burdened by your emotions or your thoughts.
You might feel that there are so many wounds within your being that are emerging, it is hard to cope with them – to heal them – and challenging to know exactly what to do. They might become overwhelming.
We can recognize all these areas as gateways to awakening. However uncomfortable they are, however, challenging, however awkward/embarrassing/painful they are, they are gateways to awakening.
When you begin to recognize that these challenging moments, within your being and your reality, are actually moments where you can surrender to awakening, you’ll find that everything moves with greater ease; that wounds are released with greater ease or healed with greater ease. Your inner emotional and mental wounds, the challenging or stuck energies within your being or your reality, also begin to transform.
The simple recognition that a stuck energy is a moment of awakening and that there is simply a need to surrender to the awakening, has a very powerful impact upon your being.
The energy coming forth, Surrendering for Awakening, aids you in experiencing three qualities of the Creator; three light vibrations that support you in surrendering.
Surrendering can almost seem like giving up or letting go.
I, Archangel Metatron, wish for you to recognize surrendering as collecting hope. You’re collecting hope that there is a greater pathway; that there is a greater understanding, a greater learning for you.
With this understanding, it is far easier to surrender to align yourself with the energies of the light and the Creator, that resolve stuck or challenging energies and bring forth into your reality, or from your being, everything that you need in that moment.
We can recognize surrendering as an alignment of hope, or an alignment to receiving what is needed in that moment, and often what is needed is different to what you wish for.
The energies coming forward, they are of yellow, orange and violet.
The yellow signifies mental clarity. It supports you in connecting with the divine mind. It supports you in connecting with your divine essence, the mind, the thought process, even the intuition of your sacred mind…of the Creator’s mind…and so everything can become clearer.
It also has this energy of clarity that flows through your reality allowing everything to become very simple and easy, making it is easier for you to navigate your reality and also find the simplicity and ease within your own being.
The orange energy supports your soul connection, allowing your soul energy to come forth to aid you; to ground into your reality and your being. It enables you to live from your soul essence; to be guided by and inspired by your soul essence.
The violet energy supports transformation and awakening; activations that allow you to soar sky high in your spiritual growth.
These energies merge with the clarity, the soul connection and the awakening. They create such a beautiful capsule of light for you to exist within, to breathe deeply within, and to feel a sense of surrendering/aligning with what is needed now for you.
The more you engage with this energy…this ascension energy that is travelling throughout the Universe of the Creator… you’ll find that everything becomes more simple, easier, that you are able to experience, more than understand, the process of surrendering and allow yourself to experience what is needed in your reality.
What is needed is the awakening that is ready and available. Within each situation and scenario in your reality, there is an awakening; an understanding, a growth that is waiting to be discovered that inspires you to experience yourself in a new way.
You can call upon my energies, Archangel Metatron, and ask me to download into and around your being, the surrendering energies for awakening.
You’ll experience the yellow, orange and violet light. Sit within it. Breathe within it. You may simply wish to engage with the light. You may wish to contemplate areas that require aid within your being or reality, noticing any inspiration that comes forth.
You can dowse your entire being, your entire reality, even the world, with this surrendering energy for awakening.
I am present to serve you. I thank you.
I am Archangel Metatron.
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