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How Does Your Energy Body/Field Respond to Trauma?
Written by Aniel Lia Love Views: 1734

You Are an Electro-Magnetic BEing with a Body/Mind/Field (BMF) Complex
Not only does the subconscious 'mind' of your BMF complex house trauma triggers and symptoms, your entire BMF complex is a repository for non-native (not yours) energies, both kind and unkind.
In this post, we are focusing on the 'field' part of your BMF complex and trauma.
Your 'Field' and Trauma
Your 'field' is an energy field that is in, though, and around you.
Within the field resides your energy body.
Your energy body is a structure that:
- Supplies your physical body with life force energy
- Interfaces with other people's energy bodies/fields
- Is a place of much activity
And, of further importance – the structure and its contents greatly affect the body, including the central nervous system.
Everyone has this in common.
The Impact of Interacting with Others
When you interact with other humans, you are also interacting with their personal energy fields, and they yours. It’s always a two-way street.
- If you interact with someone on a consistent basis, both your energies can break off and go into the other’s BMF complex in myriad ways. Non-native energies could also micro accrue and become problems in day-to-day living.
- If there is an abrupt violent interaction, such as sexual assault, a heightened, sensory encounter results for both, and the perpetrator’s energy breaks off and lodges in your BMF complex and vice versa.
However, in a violent interaction, the energies that break off are highly unpleasant and a toxic soup of 'crazy.'
The Dysfunction Caused by Trauma
Energies and actions such as:
- Debilitating connections and de-structuring
- Concussion of the energy body
- Severed energy connections, etc.
This is just a tiny list of the normal things any energy worker would check, yet these checkpoints are just the tip of the iceberg.
So, not only do you suffer the indignities of a physical and sexual assault, but the encounter also deposits a whole slew of dysfunction into your energy body/field.
These deposits clog up and cause your energy body to malfunction.
The energy body malfunctions translate to physical body and perception malfunctions.
The end result? Yep, you guessed it – a malfunctioning life.
Healing Techniques for Trauma Reduction
I offer 4 Levels of Healing using accelerated, unconventional techniques.
Deactivation of trauma triggers, responses, emotions, etc. in the:
- Subconscious 'mind'
- Energy body/'field'
- Physical 'body'
- Zone of impact
To me, this is a holistic approach to trauma reduction/elimination.
Have You Benefited from Energy Body/Field Work?
- Have you ever benefited from energy body/field work?
- If not, would you consider it?
Complimentary Call or Quick Question?
- Complimentary Call
- Not ready to schedule a Call just yet? Got a quick question first? Send me an email here!
Aniel Lia Love
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