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Channeled Message: Navigating the New You
Written by Brenda Hoffman

Dear Ones,
Perhaps someone enticed you with a new project, or something you expected has not happened.
Such is so because you are between two worlds – neither compatible with the other.
Some days, everything seems to flow, while others are tedious and burdensome. Your effortless flow will be the days, hours, or minutes you open to the new. For what was is no more. Those times you attempt to return to what was will feel difficult and wrong.
You are beginning to clamor internally for the new even though you are not yet comfortable with it, leaving you irritated and angry.
You simultaneously feel isolated and pushed into activities because you continue to jump between the old and the new even though the old of 3D no longer sparkles for you. The new sparkles, but it is frightening because that is not who you thought you would become.
These times are tremendously challenging. Not because they are wrong but because you are riding new waves that seem counterintuitive until you jump on them, only to discover how right these new waves are for you.
Those you love can only observe, for they do not understand your new being – but neither do you. Allow that to be, for part of your current fear is your belief that by claiming your new being, you will lose all you have worked for throughout your numerous 3D Earth lives.
Because your inner being is not yet completely defined, you return to what was and who you think you are, only to discover how uncomfortable that role is for you now.
Those you love are most likely interacting and thinking similarly, creating a discordant energy between and among you. Even though the next few days will clear that inner ambiguity, for now, it seems as if you are in the wrong place at the wrong time. Attempts to rectify that confusion only create more inner confusion.
Physically, you will not shift much, but internally, your new thoughts and actions are as different as day and night. What was is no more, including joyful 3D actions and thoughts. So, your emotions will likely be filled with anger, sadness, and joy.
Your emotions are becoming more flamboyant, and your actions are unlike those you are familiar with.
The next few days are about creating and solidifying you, for astrological events are pushing (and that is the correct word) you into a new you. By the end of this eclipse/equinox cycle, your former being will be no more. Does that mean you will see the world with different eyes and appreciation? Yes. Does that mean you will be alone and lonely? No. This is a global shift.
Even though everyone who wishes to evolve beyond 3D will participate, not everyone will have similar interests. You and others will flit in and out of activities because you are just beginning to tap into your new interests.
A likely question is, “How will this shift affect my personal world?” We of the Universes can only respond that your world will expand into new interests and activities more rapidly than you now imagine. The next few days are about allowing yourself to be pushed into a new you in a new world.
Those of you who deny you are changing will be uncomfortable. Those of you fully claiming your new being will have a grand time exploring those pieces you draw to you.
Even though this process will not be completed this week, you will accept that what was is no longer your world, and by doing so, you will open yourself to a world of sparkles and joy. So be it. Amen.
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