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Adama of Telos: Journey to Ultimate Healing!
Written by Jahn J Kassl

The time for healing work on the surface is over, now deeper regions of your story are being uncovered.
Don't be afraid, don't be afraid! Because your inner liberation lies solely in this fact: walking the path of healing to the end!Everything undergoes healing!
In our world
Pay attention to your thoughts because they become words. Watch your words because they become actions.
Every change comes from you, you are the source of life or a dry riverbed. Your focus on acceptance and love creates the balance you need now: to resolve and reduce inner tensions, neutralize inner conflicts, and achieve inner growth.
You are familiar with your constitution. However, Inner Earth is populated by entities that live far from the emotional high ground that people on Upper Earth find themselves on every day.
In our world, differences of opinion are resolved in open discourse, free from vanity and claims to power, but in the spirit of the highest good for the whole.
Listen to your soul more!
Therefore, beloved brothers and sisters, you who carry out your spiritual service on the Upper Earth:
Give your healing even more space and listen to your soul even more!
I am with you every day. We, the light bearers from the interior of the earth, know your condition, just as we are familiar with the condition of all humanity. We know your worries and needs. Wherever we are allowed and where we can, we support you in your luminous work and in your luminous manifestations.
We are increasingly showing ourselves on the Upper Earth and are increasingly coming into direct contact with you. These encounters take place noticeably and imperceptibly; it is the overture to our reunification.
The most beautiful lessons
You are in the midst of the greatest and most beautiful lessons.
But many people don't understand it and don't want to admit it. They don't want to see themselves made new now that they fully open themselves to this truth. So many close their hearts and refuse the ultimate transformation. Then, when it really matters, they play dumb and pretend to be deaf: “This far and no further!” or “What else, I’ve already done enough!” These are the explanations that these people make to exonerate themselves, Excuses that only indicate that the healing is incomplete and the transformation is not yet complete.
Beloved siblings,
you have come a long way! You, like we once did from the interior of the earth, have gained experience life after life and thereby achieved a certain level of growth.
Preparations for unification
Now it's about weeding out these experiences, keeping the good, transforming the bad and healing.
Today, this necessity means that many people are confronted with deep-seated blockages and wounds.
The time for healing work on the surface is over, now deeper regions of your story are being uncovered. Don't be afraid, don't be afraid! Because your inner liberation lies solely in this fact: walking the path of healing to the end!
The union with Inner Earth and with the people on the earth's surface takes place. Prepare appropriately and resolve your inner conflicts so that we can communicate on a level of acceptance and understanding, free from ego motives.
This time is completed when we unite.
We open the gates to you, you open your hearts to us. The path to joy is taken when this wake-up call has reached you and this message inspires you to introspect.
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