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Ashtar: Awakening the Sacred Feminine
Written by Arthura Hector

Full Moon: Feminine Light Lemuria
Ashtar: Great Event, Initiation, Liberation Lemuria And Magdala Consciousness Opens The Sacred Power Point On Earth In The Feminine Energy
The full moon of October 17, 2024, will bring about a huge wave of denouements.
The Sacred power of the feminine Lemurian consciousness is restored in all levels. She wakes up and together in the new consciousness of the earth all cosmic connections from the Divine source of love are activated. This primal force is finally becoming active again on Earth and this is causing a lot of commotion in the lower dimensions.
The light forces will be active in all layers and the dark knots will be untied, so that there will be liberation from the inner truth of every woman and every man. The intention to restore balance to wholeness will have an impact on every level..
When the illusion dissolves and the dark knots are freed, a great change occurs. The sick and confused minds will be temporarily sidelined into a silence energy, ultimately reconnecting them with the Sacred Lemurian Light.
The trapped female consciousness is warned in her dreams, allowing her to recognize the signal again and to open liberation within herself. At that moment, the free spirit can start moving freely again. This applies to both women and men, but the feminine consciousness takes the lead.
The Ashtar Command and many other starlight beings will release those who have become enmeshed in a layer of darkness, from trauma or other dormant illusion. Those who act from a dark influence are temporarily suspended so that they can gain insight.
What is coma consciousness?
These souls have suffered a major blow and their lives have been turned upside down. This shock (mourning process) is not properly developed and is further disrupted by wrong outside influences (agencies) and they fall into apathy. This is a total disruption of who they are. This disillusionment results in a psychological knot, possibly further strengthened by (addictive) medication. They live in a kind of robotic state, passionless.
Coma consciousness has two sides:
- Some have fallen into a kind of coma sleep due to outside influence and thus become a useful pawn for the dark game, they are often unaware of their position. Sleep-wake state: disoriented.
- The others flee into a coma sleep (addiction), because they can no longer tolerate the problems in their lives. They implode and isolate themselves more and more, a total powerlessness and passivity form an underlying knot in the psyche. They have been paralyzed.
Haunted Souls Are Freed
This full moon will realize the connection with the inner earth and the Lemurian Sacred Light, thereby resolving many disturbances in the psychic energy field.
The feminine magical light forces will restore the Sacred Circles from ancient Lemuria and they are supported by the Great Light Circles from the Crystalline Fields.
Those who are called to participate in this great event are initiated by the MAGDALA ENERGY. It opens the Lemurian soul light to initiate the cosmic information and Lemurian knowledge. Many special Sacred Circles are placed and activated where the pillars of light originated. (See previous posts).
The children in need will be assisted by the Lemurian Light and guided to the exit of liberation. The Mother Power is strengthened from the Lemurian love power, so that she is no longer kept aloof by many authorities. The healing mother's love makes a sick mind clear again, its power is indispensable.
The troubled hearts are heard and assisted, they too may now be set free and participate in this EVENT of truth. Emotional intelligence opens further and compassion arises in every person.
Lemuria Revives! Everything is restored in a loving balance.
We salute the light in your heart
17 October 2024
©Arthura Hector All rights reserved.
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