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Ashtar: Comet Tsu-chin-Shan ATLAS

Ashtar: Comet Tsu-chin-Shan ATLAS

Comet Tsu-chin-Shan ATLAS Opens a new piece of Consciousness in a Special Time.


This celestial body only passes the Earth once every 80,000 years and this aerial phenomenon is beautiful to behold. This 'rock' from space is more than an ordinary object.


It carries a special micro-organism that does not yet exist on earth. It will spread through the light, the photons from the sun. The photons are the deliverers from the cosmos to the earth and they bring these single-celled microbes to the next layer of air, such as the ion sphere. They descend further and further into the earth.

The micro world is invisible and mysterious to humans, but the advanced bio-photon technology from the Light Dimensions works with the micro and macro worlds. Biogenetics on earth may be researched, but not at the expense of the earth and its immune system. Too much imbalance endangers the entire structure of the earth, including the surrounding solar system.

What does this mean??

Genetic manipulation has created a major imbalance, including in the food sector, where the DNA of animals and plants is artificially changed. These codes create a completely different chemical connection. Manipulation of the seeds, aimed at the use of fertilizers or other things that destroy the natural element. When the DNA structure changes unnaturally, it causes a weak immune system. Holes appear in the shield of the immune system and the body attacks its own immune system.


Again and again, microscopic packages of new material are spread from the universe to other planets. It brings something new and it will provide the earth with a new flow of living consciousness. These microbes will develop in the coming decades, bringing a new piece of living consciousness to earth, which will grow into a new natural flow of recovery.


You can compare this advanced microorganism with a new kind of healing for the earth, it can manifest itself in all elements: such as in the water, the air, the earth and in the fire (light). Normally, microbe are present in a single area, such as, among others. in the water, on land, in the intestines or the immune system.

This new species can shift into a higher frequency of energy to fit into what it is descending.


The Corona period has left many harmful traces, with the vaccinations making the virus even more unstable. It fueled the negative side of the mutation, causing strange diseases to break out. Normally a virus can mutate to a level where it no longer attacks humans, it is reduced to a milder form. We, star beings from the Light, then intervened and stabilized the virus. (Arthura: see messages about Corona 2020 / 2021).

After a mild form developed, vaccinations against Covid-19 were started. Once again, strange mutations arose and the immune system was again affected by viruses that were not natural.


Stability is achieved in a natural way using a new type of microbes. The photon light will assist all this even more, microbes are essential on earth. Microalgae in the sea produce half of all the oxygen in our atmosphere. Without microbes, no life is possible on Earth.


Signals from the earth and nature, when animals or plants become ill, a kind of SOS signal is created. When these are heard and restored, this deepens the bond between people and nature.

When Earth's immune system is compromised, its tone changes, sound waves provide a signal, and the cosmos responds. This comet was the tool to send a dose of active microorganism to Earth.

It sounds very simple, but the final effect on earth will take place from a profound process and yield a definitive result in the living structure of the earth.


This literally means imitating nature, scientists are busy researching nature to find solutions that we as humans cannot produce. This can lead to many positive changes. Nature recycles itself without waste, but you can also find building houses in a natural way in nature.

The Light Dimensions also work through this system, the highly advanced technologies arise from the basis of biomimetics. They want to pass on the knowledge of generating pure energy and working with light and sound frequencies to people.


Healing can take place through the high photons, you can open yourself up to it and visualize this. Ask for your system to be balanced and you will see that the recovery will be faster and faster. As the new microbes enter the Earth, they too will be there to support humans and all life. The higher the frequency of the earth, the newer forms of healing will arise.

In many areas man will open up in a new consciousness and many problems will be solved in a completely new way.

The help from the Divine Light is used to the maximum extent.

I greet the Light in your heart

28 October 2024

©Arthura Hector www.ashtar-rose.com All rights reserved.


Ashtar is a consciousness with a very intelligent ability, contactees include George van Tassel, Tuella and many others.
Ashtar is an ethereal light being, a loving intelligence and he consists of pure Light and works with the healing Rainbow colors. From a wave of love I have to meet Ashtar. This revelation of the Light opened my cosmic consciousness. When this happens  then he opens the veils. The true memory who you really are comes to above. Once man was a beautiful being with a lot of Light power and special talents. The memory of an Earthly Paradise is no fantasy and is hidden deep in the heart of everyone. A very intense desire now arises to reunite all of this into wholeness again. ©Arthura

 The original article is copyrighted by the author listed above. Posted on CrystalWind.ca ©2024. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this content is prohibited without written permission. The title of the article was created by CrystalWind.ca.</p

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