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Ashtar: Hidden Truths About Earth’s Reality

Ashtar: Hidden Truths About Earth’s Reality

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I am Ashtar, the Commander of the Galactic Light Forces, and I am communicating to you from my spaceship about certain aspects in your reality.

My dear Brothers and Sisters, I am aware that all of you are frustrated and disappointed that the Galactic Disclosure, Nesara/Gesara etc., are not happening. You keep reading that it should be any day. Time passes and nothing changes on your planet. The sources are not telling you the truth. The old plans can’t work anymore, as they are suitable only for 3D and not 5D. It requires a new strategy that can match a multidimensional reality on a New Earth.

The so called White Hats don’t exist or Elderly, your Alliance actually consists of individuals, who want to make changes on Mother Earth. They are spread out all over your globe, it’s not a huge group. This is why it’s taking a long time for you to see any dramatic transformation on the planet. They work with some military, who share the same interests to see a different world, on what you have now. The good news is your Collective Consciousness is on the rise. Also, Divine is cleansing and healing your reality.

My command is patrolling your planet’s orbit 24/7. Recently, your media reported about a small asteroid that appeared on the course of collision with Gaia, which safely disintegrated in the atmosphere above the western Pacific Ocean near the Luzon Island in Philippines as a bright fireball flash. Another misconception from your governments, the truth is one of my commanders Tal’hari destroyed enemy spacecraft that appeared in the Earth’s atmosphere.

The spaceship didn’t respond to our signals, so I made the decision to eliminate it. It had a prolonged shape similar to the signature of Archons. Their intentions were secretly to land and meet with the Dark Ones. The last piece of the Galactic ship was destroyed very close to your ground. The Darkness always pushes its negative agenda without thinking, on what consequences it could cause by having the Archons’s appearance for humanity even just for a short time. Your kind is not ready to handle any Outworlders positive or negative.

We have been saying that humanity needs to hear the truth about, on what is really happening in 3D. At the same time, you would be terrified by seeing someone who doesn’t look like human. I would like to explain about asteroids another misinterpretation from your astronomers, who have no idea about the danger, if they appear in your atmosphere. Usually, they are pieces from destroyed planets, stars etc. You don’t want any asteroid falling on Mother Gaia. Most of them don’t burn in Space, before reaching the ground, as your astronomers say.

They are big enough to destroy a whole planet. You need to have advanced technology to blow them up, before they reach any planet. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces. Sending My Supreme Love to my Brothers and Sisters.

Be Aware of False Prophets


Channeled by Erena Velazquez

Photo credit - CrystalWind.ca

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