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Ashtar Sheran - Wait For Our Invitation

Ashtar Sheran - Await Our Invitation

Dear brothers of planet Earth! I AM ASHTAR SHERAN!

We are looking forward to the big moment. What great moment? The time when we can meet with some of you. Many of you ask: "How will this happen?" I'm just telling you that you don't really know who we're talking to. Keep your hearts on fire, keep your respect for us and continue on the path to the Light.

It will be a physical encounter; It will not be mental, it will not be through dreams, we will be physically on the surface of your planet. Many will ask me: "But can you become physical?" Yes, I have this property, I just have to wish my energy to become a body, and it will become. Do not doubt it. Now, it is very important that in the heart of each person there is no curiosity, no intention to make this big news, to think that it will appear in the media. That is not our intention.

We need to unite on Earth. We need to have a group physically involved in this great work, so that there is no doubt in their minds. Many times we transmit instructions, ideas, solutions, but the ego insists on telling them that they are things of the mind; they are not solutions from on High. So we couldn't make this meeting something like that, it has to be something physical, so that you believe and your minds don't manipulate what you will be told.

What is important for this meeting? An open mind and a huge heart. Humanity's path to the Fifth Dimension has only just begun. Much remains to be done to shake minds and structures so that a global awakening can actually take place. So why do we need this physical contact? Rest assured, this contact will occur with those who have a voice first. It would be useless for us to be on the side of those who have no voice before humanity. And we are not talking about rulers here; We have already had our contact with the rulers and each one knows exactly what to do.

Of course, not everyone has agreed and not everyone will comply with our directives, but we already know that very well. So this meeting will be with beings that do not have political positions on the planet, but do have voices; voices to reach a large number of people. And how will these beings be chosen? For their heart, for their trajectory, for their enlightened minds.

No, we are not judging anyone, because if we went to court, you yourselves would say that you do not deserve to have our contact, because you would point out many defects in yourselves and you would not consider yourself worthy of our presence. There is no judgment, not on our part, but each one of you who has been chosen, of course, was chosen long ago, eons of time ago for this mission.

It was not a mission chosen now in this incarnation, it is a very old soul mission that the time has now come to carry out, to actually carry out what you were meant to do eons of time ago. And how will they know who these people will be? The invitation will come to everyone. As? It doesn't matter. We know where each one is, we know how to reach each one and each one will be invited to be with us.

Where? It doesn't matter either. The great difficulty of your mind is to stop putting obstacles to everything you have to do. You always create a path with stones, with dangerous places to go through. And so I ask you: why don't you create a wide, illuminated, clean and beautiful path? Create this path to reach us. Do not put obstacles, because we know and we know exactly the life of each one of you, the problems of each one of you, and we will know how to overcome them to reach each one you have chosen.

And it is important to say that those who are most humble will be chosen. Humility, of not having a full ego. Those whose ego no longer dominates their way, because they will have a voice, yes, they will be our spokespersons. But we will not expose them. How to do it? We know how. We will not expose anyone, because it would be dangerous for each of the chosen ones.

I would tell you that you will not realize who these people are, and only one thing will be required of each of them: silence, not exposing their own condition to us. And those, as I've already said, who no longer have a complete ego will be able to do it, because we know they will.

It will be a great responsibility everything that will be transmitted to them. Let's say that on Earth we will have a great army of minds and people who will act to spread Light and harmony on the planet. Little by little, as time goes by, these people will be exposed, but for this to happen there will have to be a great security project for them, and this will only happen when all non-lights are removed from the planet; So yes, they can be exposed naturally.

It is not an absurd project and it is not anything that is going to harm each of the chosen ones. Why do we call them the elect? Because all of them have been analyzed by their path of the soul, by the agreements they made with us a long time ago. No one is being tested for this incarnation. It is an analysis of the soul, not of the human being.

All the souls, let's say so, that have been chosen, have already had this agreement with us a long time ago. It bears repeating, and they have been groomed over time to come here, much as they may think they are not. In this case, human beings do not believe they are capable of this, they believe they are impure, undeserving, but we are not seeing human beings, we are seeing souls. Souls that have made mistakes, souls that have practiced many things contrary to the Light, but somewhere along the way began to free themselves from all of this and made sure to arrive at this moment ready for the great mission.

So wait to hear from us, and don't let ego fill your mind. "Ah, you were chosen; you will be chosen" The more you worry about who will or will not be, you will only get in your own way. The moment of the invitation will come. Don't be anxious. Everything will come at the right time. The moment is not your work, the moment is within the project; the project of the ascension of the planet Earth.

Then the time will come when you will be called to your posts. It may be now, it may be in a few years; It doesn't matter. Everything will happen at the right time and you are all being prepared for it. Watch your steps. Crush the ego and trust that at this moment there is only one direction to go: The Light; the rest will come in due time for each incarnating soul at this time.

Translation By CrystalWind.ca

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Angels and Light Therapies
Vania Rodrigues

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