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Beings of Light: Preparing for the Cosmic Shock

Beings of Light: Preparing for the Cosmic Shock

We are very happy to welcome you back, dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth.

Once again, we will revisit the events happening on Earth and within humanity. What a stir there has been in recent days regarding the presentation of the Olympic Games in Paris! How many hearts have been deeply moved by the tableaux presented in the city!

Dear brothers and sisters, know that everything you have been shown is merely a reflection of those who wish to have control over you, over all the peoples of the Earth. Indeed, you have gained firsthand insight into who those ruling you are, who, through their great desire for power over your lives and their wish to turn you into robots in their service, have shown you who they truly are.

If you examine each tableau presented, you see before you the details of who they are, what they are plotting behind the scenes, and what they wish for you to become. But—there is a twist they didn’t expect—there has been a very strong and outraged reaction from the peoples of Earth. You know, it is not only the people of France who have been deeply affected; it is the entire Earth.

Those who sought to manipulate you by making these tableaux appear completely natural were greatly mistaken. This shows how little they understand you and how they have not yet fully realized that the Light is dissolving them and causing them to disappear.

We told you in previous messages that they would attempt everything to instill fear and depravity in you. They tried, but it is another failure for them, following what happened two years ago with the pandemic.

Do not doubt that they will attempt other strategies, as they feel their end is near, and for them, it is unacceptable. They cling so desperately to this small earthly power that losing it feels like their impending doom. When we say "death," we refer to the very imminent end of this small earthly power due to money, which they are unwilling to let go of.

Dear brothers and sisters of Earth, you have experienced a great shock from this demonstration, but know that there will always be people who will commend the organizers for what they have created. What happened shows how little respect there is for people on Earth and how those who lead you are completely oblivious to their own weaknesses in their lives.

Some, within very specific organizations, want what happens there to become the life of the people, to manipulate them even more. Yes, you have experienced a shock, but it is also good to see the positive side: the hard work, strength, and physical power of the athletes who, despite their strong egos, show what humans can achieve in non-violence.

However, there is the problem of money manipulating these athletes. Money brings fame and glory to athletes, but eventually, this will collapse faster than they think, as people will tire of it and wish to return to the fairest sport possible—one based on sharing and the pleasure of participation, without any glory or financial manipulation.

Dear brothers and sisters of Earth, while you have experienced a shock, it has been beneficial as it has awakened pure consciences that wish to live in purity rather than depravity and disrespect for humanity.

A large part of humanity is outraged by the depiction of the Last Supper. Master Jesus sees and has seen this with Love. Yes, with Love, because he understands that humans have a delicate path of life in the context of disrespect toward the Supreme Father. The disrespect was not shown to Master Jesus but to the Supreme Father that HE is and that you all are. It is the disrespect toward Life, which is the Supreme Father.

But know that everything can be redeemed, even in the final moments of life, and those who have sought to degrade humanity on Earth can experience a moment of clarity and ask God for forgiveness when they leave this world.

Dear brothers and sisters of Earth, trust yourselves, listen to your feelings, understand that your life is influenced by your rulers, and let your heart speak in Gentleness, Peace, and Serenity.

We thank you.

We love you.

Translation By CrystalWind.ca

Marie-Josée Andichou

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