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Beings of Light: The Life-Changing Power of Your Own Light

Beings of Light: The Life-Changing Power of Your Own Light

We salute you dear children of the Earth. We are happy to see you again.

What do we mean by this? Quite simply, despite what's happening on Earth, many of you have realized who you are - Divine Beings carrying the Divine Spark of the Supreme Father. We say this to comfort you, but it doesn't mean you should relax your attention to your connection with the Divine. This attention will be necessary throughout your life, because evolution, as we have often told you, is endless...never-ending.

So we're talking to you about this because, rapidly, in the space of about ten years of your earthly time, there has been a great awakening of awareness of who you are among many of you. Of course, it's not the majority of humanity who are in this state of understanding, "far from it" as you say, but there has already been a major breakthrough in this area within terrestrial humanity.

Why are we talking to you about this? It is to comfort you, because you need it from time to time, so that you understand that all the efforts you make to really know yourself are not in vain.. Of course, the life of humanity is not very simple currently but it is important to understand that everything you have done, experienced, felt in terms of understanding who you are, brings accentuated Light to the Earth. and within humanity.

We are present near you to support you in these delicate moments that you are experiencing but the Light that you shine around you by being in Trust, Peace and Serenity makes the events on your planet less serious than they were. could be.

Of course there are wars going on now and you wonder if you will be able to escape this cycle of violence.. We tell you, and this is very important: continue to trust your Divine Being, there can be no more beautiful and stronger support in your life than the Real Power of your own Light. This inner Light that you contact when meeting your soul, is the Power of Divine Courage in the face of adversity.

Yes, the more you are aware of the Strength and Power of your own Light, the quicker the effects of the shadow will fade and the quicker Peace will return to your planet. There will still be, again and again, movements of rebellion, small internal wars in certain countries and on certain continents because there will always be humans who will not want to and will be afraid of "dropping out" of this third-dimensional life which reassures them and allows them to have personal power that gives meaning to their lives.

However, it will be important that you do not get attached to these situations because, at a certain point, the Light will have the upper hand over these dark situations which will diminish and be erased by the disappearance of those who would again and again like to have power over YOU. Currently, even if violence is still present on your planet, these are the last gasps of the shadow which cannot admit its fall.

Dear children of the Earth, we accompany you so that you maintain this Divine Force within you and spread it around you. We notice that more and more humans, following the events happening around you, are seeking Peace, Serenity and Gentleness. Even if many of you do not verbalize these deep desires, we see in your energies what is happening within you and this strengthens us in our desire to support you again and again..

Don't worry, you are not abandoned on your little planet which, for us and the galaxy, is very... very important. Your planet is a jewel, you know, which it is important to maintain in Softness and Light. Have confidence in what you are experiencing, understand that it is part of your evolution that you have come to accomplish at this moment of your incarnation and let yourself go to this joy of participating in the Renewal of the Beauty of your planet and your humanity.

We thank you, we love you.

Translation By CrystalWind.ca

Marie-Josée Andichou

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