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Discover the Secret Shore of Your Desires with Lao Tzu!

Discover the Secret Shore of Your Desires with Lao Tzu!

It is uncomfortable to give up the comfort of what you have achieved.

'Success' creates inertia in immature souls, while mature souls grow beyond themselves through success. Growth is always a process of many decades and the maturation of a soul is a process of eons.

When messengers of light change sides

JJK: What concerns me is the question of why so many highly gifted light ambassadors, healers and those who have been working “successfully” energetically for a long time are now being caught up in their own issues. Some negate this - others suffer major setbacks. I myself have repeatedly experienced in those around me how highly gifted people suddenly turn to darkness. Why?

LAOTZE: Wise is the one who gradually tames his demons. Wise is the person who acts as a silent observer of his ideas, wounds and opinions. Wise is the one who does not postpone his healing and yet remains calm in his actions.

Beloved, be wise!

Today every person is led to the fountain of life.

The source does not distinguish between highly gifted people and those with little potential. During this time, the source offers everyone the opportunity to recognize what was previously unrecognized.

People with large orders in particular are now being looked at closely and are being invited to take a closer look at themselves. If you want to be or become a master, it's always about the whole thing and you have to be prepared to give yourself completely to it.

JJK: “What you want to compress, you should first let it expand!” I read today, a statement attributed to Master Lao Tzu.

LAOTZE: This “extension” describes what this is all about. Many individual light beings have neglected their own transformation work in recent years.

While they pursued their “healing” activities and assignments with great strength and often with much success, their self-reflection atrophied. The result was a long break for self-healing.

Now these people are reminded of this and caught up in their own issues. The cosmic light of the source begins to dissolve all shadows - unless a person deliberately keeps their distance from it.

JJK: Why do so many of these people resist their own transformation or why do some even switch to the other camp?

LAOTZU: Muscles that are not moved atrophy. In the worst case, this leads to physical immobility. Once that happens, it's very difficult to pull yourself together. The same applies to spiritual practices. Anyone who does nothing or very little for a long time loses the practice and runs the risk of slipping into a pig's world and pig's perception.

Now many of these people are confronted with their refusal to transform and this leads to very different reactions. The attitude of true humility and self-reflection is the most appropriate answer, an answer that only very few want to give.

What is transformation about?

JJK: What is this transformation actually about? How can people approach their fears when they are afraid?

LAOTZE: By contemplating one's fears quietly and without judgment.

JJK: But what about people whose fears are so great and well hidden that they basically deny everything that is related to fear and are incapable of considering it? I know enough people who stereotypically claim that they no longer have fears?! These are so deeply hidden that people lack any access or awareness of them.

LAOTZE: It is the path that brings you to your goal and not your active actions or recognition.

Only when everything is “compressed” can expansion begin – or vice versa. The life experiences that a person has chosen for themselves must be lived before reflection can occur. For the highly gifted beings of light who are now taking a different path - instead of returning directly to the light - this means that this is exactly what they have decided.

Consciously or unconsciously, every person is brought from the ship of life to the shores of their desires.

The masters among you are now taking the master examination. The ego must completely evaporate. This challenge is often rejected and crucial issues remain unrecognized. In order for the ego to give way, it is necessary to do some persuasion. It is uncomfortable to give up the comfort of what you have achieved. “Success” creates inertia in immature souls, while mature souls grow beyond themselves through success. Growth is always a process of many decades and the maturation of a soul is a process of eons.

Action through inaction

JJK: I also read the following sentence : “Action through inaction.” What does that mean?

LAOTSE: Don't stand in the way of your own development through useless activities - the grass grows on its own and the open issues reveal themselves to you. The important thing is to act when a wounded part of your soul needs healing, when The moment has come to take action and not ignore it.

Waiting for what appears does not mean being inactive, but quite the opposite. This requires utmost attention from you. Pure observation means lovingly taking care of the wounds that need to be healed, looking at what exists within you without judgment, and treating yourself tenderly.

It is a wonderful experience to experience your own transformation not as 'work', but as a loving encounter with yourself.

Fears of your own demons can arise at the beginning. But gradually this turns into a deep longing for healing. At a certain point, this longing is greater than any fear.

JJK: It is the first message I receive from MASTER LAOTSE. Does it matter who I receive a bright message from or is it basically of less importance since all messages are bright anyway?

LAOTZE: What matters is the energy in which the message for a certain topic flows through you. The energy of the messenger always flows into it. What touches people is not so much the words, but rather the energy between the words - sometimes they feel lovingly protected, other times they are sternly admonished and then again oriented by the energy of clarity.

Everything is about reaching people's hearts for the specific topic and opening them to the light of the source.

With that I say goodbye for today.

Don't leave the work that needs to be done undone and don't stand in the way of your own change through useless activities.



Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
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