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Galactic Federation: The Secret to Entering The 5d Right Now

Galactic Federation: The Secret to Entering The 5d Right Now

Oneness, or the fifth dimension, is the state in which everything is unified with both god and one another. In this state, you will no longer see things as separate entities; instead, there will be only one reality in which all things exist simultaneously and in perfect harmony with each other.

The fifth dimension is not a time dimension. It is beyond the limitations of time. It means that time has no meaning.

It's a dimension of what we call in Sanskrit "yuga." And yuga refers to an era or a time when something fundamentally changes.

The third dimension is the world we live in, where we have a past and a future. But in the fifth dimension, there is no past or future, only now.

In this state, you will no longer see time as linear; instead, it will appear to move at a different speed than you are used to experiencing on Earth. In other words, time is no longer linear; it has become infinite in nature—endless and endless.

Nothing in this fifth dimension has a beginning or an end because everything exists simultaneously regardless of where you are going or where you have been – including your past experiences and future projections based on belief systems created by others for their own purposes (whether consciously or unconsciously).

The fifth dimension is not a place; it's a state of being. It's not a thing; it's a process.

How can you enter the fifth dimension?- by being present in this very moment.

It is a little difficult to do, especially when we have just heard this idea and have not fully assimilated it into our lives. But if you can be present and see yourself in the mirror of time-space, then this will open the door to holographic reality!

You begin to live inside the light instead of living inside time and space, which is a 3D reality.

It is important that you allow yourself with all your heart, all your soul, and all your might to be able to release yourself from the leash of time and space so you can become free.

For example, if you can read this post with such fullness that the only thing left in the present is your presence, without thinking about the past or the future, this very moment is sufficient; if you can simply be present in the here and now and silently soak in this message, then a different dimension will open!

It simply refers to a separate dimension of time without a past or future. As a result, you will need to move differently in your own time.

Words start to take on a different shape and acquire new importance as a result of this internal transformation.

Your being is here now, and your awareness cannot be divided into the past, present, or future.

You naturally exist in the NOW, and when your mind can concentrate on the moment at hand and check out all other thoughts and feelings, then your essential being (soul) can come alive, and you can become enlightened—kind of like a wake-up call!

When you're in the present moment, nothing else exists. The past and the future are just illusions. It only takes a little practice to reach that level of presence.

It is a dimension that most of us don't experience often enough because we're caught up in the busyness and hustle of our lives.

This level of Zen is available to you right now if you put down your phone, close your laptop, and sit in silence for a minute or two. You can have this experience whenever you want, even if it's just for a few moments.

Try meditating for ten minutes a day. Look at the world around you and see how beautiful it is! Look at yourself as well and see how beautiful you are!

It's like being outside yourself and seeing things as they really are, not as they appear to be, through your own eyes.

The fifth dimension can be described as "eternal union," "oneness," or "unity consciousness." Oneness, or the fifth dimension, is the state in which everything is unified with both God and one another.

In this state, you will no longer see things as separate entities; instead, there will be only ONE reality in which all things exist simultaneously and in perfect harmony with each other.

In order to complete our evolution on Earth, we must all eventually reach the fifth dimension.

As the world becomes more connected and technology is gradually replacing human interaction, It is critical to learn how to find your own center in the midst of all the changes.

Learn to be more sensitive, aware, and be a part of the world around you. Stay in tune with nature.

Space is calling. We've got to go higher!

Join our beloved Earth and us as we continue to evolve into the fifth dimension!

We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.

Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation

Channel and Art by Aurora Ray

Copyright 2023 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.

We are the ground crew of the Galactic Federation. We're advanced spiritual beings from other stars watching over the evolution in consciousness and assisting the global ascension of Earth and humanity. 
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation | Lyran High Council Elder | Emissary of The Goddess
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