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Hannelore’s Uplifting Secret: Everything Turns Out Positive!

Hannelore’s Uplifting Secret: Everything Turns Out Positive!

Man's journey into the light - the return to the soul family - is ALWAYS accompanied by the soul family.

Nobody, and I like to repeat it, nobody is on their own in this wonderful process - and nobody remains trapped in the incarnation cycle once they have finished and mastered the incarnation cycle. This is why we always return to Earth because we want to complete things, correct mistakes and experience new adventures. It is the conscious intention of angels that we are that always brings us back to earth.

Caught in the cycle of incarnation?

Reader question to Hannelore:

Dear friend of light, I have been following your channelings for a long time and would like to thank you for what you do!

Hannelore's messages in particular touch me very much. Maybe you can ask her at some point whether “going into the light” keeps us trapped in the cycle of incarnation or whether this is a lie from the dark side? From Hannelore's point of view, what would be the best way in the acute dying process and especially immediately afterwards (!) in order to be able to return to his soul family and God, just like she did? If you can ask this question once, that would be wonderful.

JJK: And I would like to pass this question on to you, as it is formulated, dear Hannelore.

HANNELORE: Dearest Jahn, from the light and through the light I always come back to earth to see how things take shape and how my loved ones unfold from the life that I left behind me months ago and for the development of everyone contribute to life.

Man's journey into the light - the return to the soul family - is ALWAYS accompanied by the soul family. Nobody, and I like to repeat it, nobody is on their own in this wonderful process - and nobody remains trapped in the incarnation cycle once they have finished and mastered the incarnation cycle.

This is why we always return to Earth because we want to complete things, correct mistakes and experience new adventures. It is the conscious intention of angels that we are that always brings us back to earth.

The dying process, which every human being has gone through repeatedly, is familiar to us when it begins. We remember - and in the presence of our spiritual helpers and masters we go heavenward.

Do not worry what it will be like, because the dying process is the initiation into life and this initiation is given to each person by the Heavenly Powers of Light in Presence.

Dying suddenly or slowly - is there a difference?

JJK: Is there a difference in dying when you die suddenly or when it happens more slowly, like it did for you when you were able to adjust to it well??

HANNELORE: The difference is mainly for those people who are left behind. As soon as a person dies, whether suddenly or after life slowly and consciously ends, time ceases to exist. Then we are at a level where everything can be viewed and regulated. Outside of time, we have all the time in the world. As long as we are in a human body, we can hardly understand this reality.

The timeless level is distant, because thinking and feeling in time periods is imprinted on people.

Many people choose sudden death, they prefer this path. Others, on the other hand, want to take things slowly, they want to slowly withdraw from earthly things and leave life behind them. It is also important that every person feels intuitive when they are about to embark on this journey and take certain precautions. The manner of death is our choice. It is a self-determined choice that we all make before we are born. This decision reflects the learning experiences of everyone involved. There is no coincidence! How, when and where we die – everything follows our prenatal appointments.

JJK: Should you just surrender since everything is regulated and guided? I see from the various letters from readers that this topic concerns many people.

HANNELORE:  Even though you are often misled on earth - because the manipulations are considerable - as soon as you have given up your body forever, heaven takes over and your brothers and sisters on the other side of the veil take over! From then on we are in the best and most knowledgeable hands.

JJK: You know, I often think of you and then I miss you – still …

HANNELORE: It is the deep spiritual connection that is noticeable here. Throughout our lives we are often not even aware of how closely, deeply and intimately we are connected to our loved ones. It is the invisible bond of soul family that has an impact. This keeps this longing for someone who is no longer tangible alive. Our closeness remains, is now more intense, more authentic and truer - what is missing are the hugs and the closeness that we enjoyed throughout our lives.

Will humanity make it??

JJK: Will we, I mean, will humanity be able to turn the game around? Everything is becoming more and more crazy, wrong and twisted?

HANNELORE: The answer is – YES! This humanity will turn the game around. You are in the process of doing this. However, not all people will go along, follow along and move along. Many remain in the earthly cycle of death and rebirth because their incarnation cycle is still unfinished. Whoever's heart jumps with joy at the thought of the NEW EARTH and the NEW HUMANITY united in peace and love is about to complete his journey, closing the last circle in this life.

Many people are dying now!

JJK: Many people are dying now - including those from the alternative scene - they are leaving, even though some weren't that old yet.

HANNELORE: They leave having fulfilled what they came for. Many were trailblazers, they went ahead, discovered new paths and opened up new perspectives for people. Many of these people began plowing a field years ago that no one had ever plowed before. They operated with their light in the spiritual no-man's land.

This means that this meant a great deal of energetic, psychological and physical effort, as these people had to accept a lot of attacks and overcome resistance. It is a grace for these people to be able to end and complete their lives in the certainty that their assignments have been fulfilled.

The joy of these great souls streaming in after completing their earthly work is indescribable and the way we are received is also indescribable. The reverence that we as humans feel for angels or masters throughout our lives is reflected and shown to us in heaven by the angels and masters. Once we return and complete all the clearing processes, we will receive indescribable appreciation and love from the heavenly realms. This is what awaits us and you can look forward to it today.

JJK: What do you do all day – in heaven?

HANNELORE: Since I have fallen out of time, there are no longer any time restrictions or limitations. I have taken my place and am taking part in creation. I am master and student at the same time.

You come back to earth?

JJK: Are you coming back to this earth? All your life you said repeatedly that you had no intention of doing that?

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