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Karma's Message: Consequences and the Path to Higher Dimensions

Karma's Message: Consequences and the Path to Higher Dimensions


I am Karma, a living being, and I am transmitting this message through our trusted channel.

The Book of Karma has all of the records of all lives of each soul, who had on this plane of existence. Each human’s responsibility is not to accumulate negative karma, which can affect your transformation into higher dimensions. You can’t attack anyone verbally, emotionally or physically and expect not be punished for such behavior. The soul needs to maintain its purity in order to be able to leave this 3D Matrix. Humanity doesn’t know, on how overall the process of transformation works.

When you decided to arrive to this planet, you came to experience this life in a form of a human. Your intentions were pure without any negative thoughts. Some of you ended up being here for millions of years. Living life after life you accumulated karma, which means you have done some negative actions. I have deleted most of your past lives deeds to give you a chance to ascend in this lifetime. My helpers keep track the behaviors by all of the beings on Mother Earth and around the Cosmos.

The accumulated karma usually comes back to all. Do you think any person will benefit for harming physically or verbally a living soul? Of course not, the consequences are on the way back to the harmers. All of the Fathers, Ascended Masters including Divine are going to strip Dark Entities from their souls and send them in a form of a bubble into the Universal Consciousness without a chance to ever reincarnate into a physical or a light body. Please remember, if you do negative things, you will pay for it in one way or another.

The soul full of compassion, love, purity and light will be rewarded by an easy transition to higher realms. Daily you see so many unexpected things happen to some humans such as hit by lighting, die in a different type of crashes or crossing a sidewalk being hit by a car. It’s not coincidental, they accumulated karma for their actions, and they paid for it. There are always consequences for any negative behavior. Live your human life without any regrets and strive to move into higher dimensions instead of being stuck in low vibrations.

Don’t expect to being lifted up into 5th dimension without doing your daily silent meditations. Your society got polluted by false desires of possession of things, which don’t exist in higher dimensions. To bring positive events into your reality be a Light. Live your life through your soul and not through the ego mind. What you send energetically into the Cosmos, more of the same you will receive back. Detach yourself from the ego mind and stop being trapped in the nothingness of the Matrix, the holographic reality created by Darkness to keep you being stuck and not allowing you to progress in your spiritual journey.

Only a connection to Divine Wisdom and Power can lead humankind into a new era of advancement and enlightenment. Darkness keeps you in a dependency mode by brainwashing everyone with false information. When the civilization doesn’t progress spiritually, nothing much changes and everyone stays the same in an emotional distress and confusion, on why is nothing changes around them and on why is everything so difficult to achieve. Express daily gratitude for the things you have, and more blessings you will attract to your life.

I would like to explain to you about seeing the Seven Suns in the sky in Chengdu, China. What has really transpired there? There were actually two suns, first one was the real sun, the second one is the fake one. the rest are reflections of both suns in a holographic reality. You live in a 3D Matrix, which is a false reality. This event happened because of the cracks in the Matrix. Most of the time you see the fake sun in the sky, that’s the one that burns your skin, it was created by the Dark Ones.

The real sun doesn’t burn your body at all. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces for delivering this communication to humanity. Sending my Supreme Love to every soul on Mother Gaia.

Stay Focused


Channeled by Erena Velazquez

Photo credit - CrystalWind.ca

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