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Message from Anastasia: Peace and No World War Part 1

Message from Anastasia: Peace and No World War Part 1

The discharges of these days are not a sign that everything is getting worse and taking a turn for the worse, but is a sign that everything is being revealed so that it gets better, as people raise questions that have never been asked before and start looking for answers can.


The current President of France, Emmanuel Macron, asks me what he should do because everything has somehow gotten out of hand? I answer: With your mind you have recognized that something is wrong here, but your heart is closed. That's why no matter what you do, people won't believe you. The genie won't go back into the bottle - and I can't do anything for you either. Only when your heart is open are there possibilities. (dream end)

I don't like making such dreams public at all! This can give some people the impression that I take myself particularly seriously. It is far from my mind to possibly evoke this thought in individual people!

However, the spiritual world is hardly impressed by my preferences and when something is important, I am constantly reminded of it. This is also the case in this case, because I was already quite successful in forgetting this dream when it was played over and over again for 3 days.

So I was constantly reminded of this - although it is otherwise so easy for me to forget dreams. Today I realized that this must have something to do with the following message. But what?

ANASTASIA: Loved are people, loved is the life you create, and loved is the path you are prepared to take and level up for your fellow human beings.

There will be peace and no world war!

How does peace come about?

Your dream shows the forces through which this cannot come about. The current rulers largely have closed hearts, are largely disconnected from their nature and cannot open up to their spiritual divine nature. From this person comes what you are currently experiencing on the big stage, what you can currently experience if a world is to be plunged into the abyss - knowingly or unknowingly:

The current rulers are fulfilling the important task of breaking people out of their lethargy and encouraging them to take control of their lives again - not just by ensuring better conditions in prison, but by leaving prison.

It is the time when the sometimes frightening figures in the power centers of this world masterfully complete their task so that man can awaken into his mastery.

The new earth, the new world that emerges from this world, will be built by you, created by you and realized by you. You are the builders, the designers and the maintainers of the new, the new time, which has nothing to do with time as you have experienced it so far. From you, from each and every one of you, comes peace, unity and change.

The old masters of separation and division are performing their final service so that you can awaken, encourage and empower yourselves.

Whoever's heart is locked, his power is always limited and his strength always comes to a predetermined end. The light prevails everywhere and brings to light everything that has worked in secret for eons.

The discharges of these days are not a sign that everything is getting worse and taking a turn for the worse, but is a sign that everything is being revealed so that it gets better, as people raise questions that have never been asked before and start looking for answers can.

It is the time of great upheavals that are happening through your consciousness.

Many a bridge will be built for you by those whose hearts are closed and who are motivated to fearful actions by their fearful minds.

This is the first part of the message for the day when there will be light in human hearts, so that your consciousness opens up and the love of GOD can heal everything.

(end part 1)

Translation by CrystalWind.ca

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
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