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Message from the Annunaki: Exposing Dark Forces Controlling Humanity
Written by Erena Velazquez

Greetings Humans,
We are an Ancient Galactic race Annunaki coming again through this channel, as we feel it’s necessary for us to communicate again with humankind.
We are the ones who created the human race a long time ago. You don’t remember now, on how flawless you were and your life in higher dimensions was. You were Gods, who didn’t age at all, didn’t experience any diseases and lived for thousands and thousands of years. Nowadays, you only stay on Earth for a very short time, before you are forced out of your human body. Living in 3D is not rewarding and very unpleasant.
We are on your side and we are not Evil. We don’t get involved in any wars or try to control other civilizations. Today the reason we are communicating to remind you, on why your body became physically weak and has a short human life. When your planet started to be visited by unfriendly civilizations, they started to mess with your DNA. This continued for a very long time to the point that your height shrank, longevity disappeared and ended up living in 3D instead of 5D. After humans started to worship and trust the Dark Outworlders, they got enslaved, you and your planet was taken over.
They created different races, religions, languages and cultures on Mother Gaia. Everything for them, it was just a big experiment. They never cared for the planet or her inhabitants. You didn’t get along between each other and fought over meaningless reasons based on false histories. Mother Earth was a paradise and perfection until the Darkness became in charge over Gaia. When the Outworlders left, they put their minions in control over the humans. They have been experimenting and messing up with your DNA. All of the shots, you ever took, are experimental. They keep targeting your DNA in order to create transhumans with robotic parts.
The Negative Entities already started to implant Neuralink by Elon Musk into the brain by using the excuse all of that is good for humanity. It’s a lie. They want to control your brain and body, you will not be capable to make any decision on your own. The World Order is a real threat to the human civilization, so you need to connect to your God’s essence with daily silent meditations and move back into higher realms. Unless you want to continue to be a lab mice for the Darkness. You can’t stay obedient anymore to the Dark Entities. You need to fight back.
The Galactic Light Forces are waiting for you to do the spiritual work and ground work. They will step in at some point, when it will be allowed for them. Only you can restore the connection to your soul and Universal Consciousness. Another false information about the event of the prediction of Perseid meteor shower, your scientists can’t predict with accuracy meteor showers, as your technology is too primitive to see so far ahead. What you saw on that day, it was not a meteor shower. It was the movement of Galactic ships from Ashtar Command.
Ashtar was testing on how fast and accurately, they move in your 3D reality in case of emergency, if some unexpected negative event occurs and he would need to interfere with his space fleet and to help humans on your planet. Harmony, peace and freedom will come to you, when you are ready to accept all of that. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces.
Supreme Love For All Of You
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces
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