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Message to Lightworkers from the Collective: Massive Influx of Light:
Written by Caroline Oceana Ryan

This week's guidance comes from my Spirit team, who are aligned with the group of higher beings known as the Collective. As with all the channelings I offer, this message also offers higher energies to assist us at this crucial time on our life paths:
THE COLLECTIVE: Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you today. This week our writer has a question for us:COR: My friends, a powerful influx of Light has been coming into the planet - even more powerful than usual, and starting with the partial eclipse of the recent Full Moon. It then extended into the Autumn Equinox a few days ago, with further Light transmissions to come yet this month.This is a lot to handle at once!
It's great to receive this much Light. It brings much healing for humanity and the Earth, and all Her beings.
Yet it also brings upheaval, as all that is unhealed in human life, in groups and individuals, comes up to be faced and dealt with.
Whole parts of our subconscious naturally arm themselves against this shift, because the subconscious reacts, thinking we might be in danger.
So it will resist taking in some of this Light.How do we deal with that resistance?
So many of us will eat the wrong foods - more sugar and starches - or drinking more or getting high more often.
Or an obsession with media and the internet, etc. - anything to stop feeling that "it's too intense to handle."
Any guidance you can offer is appreciated!
THE COLLECTIVE: We would say, this Light that is coming to you now is very special and very powerful indeed.
You may have heard from the White Knights of the Ashtar Command that there are energies flowing in now from the 100th dimension, and this is so.
This Light is your emissary, your messenger from a place of incredibly high vibration-a sacred and holy place, some might say, as it comes from Creator God / Goddess or Source Energy with wishes that all on the Earth begin to remember their own Divinity.
That is a pleasant-sounding phrase that you have all been long familiar with.
Yet it goes much further than that, friends!
This is the beginning of Earth's people starting to grasp that you are not only Galactic Beings, but Intergalactic Beings.
Citizens of a planet, yes, but also citizens of a Universe.
Given that, the age-old third dimensional human impulses are beginning to realize their day is done.
These include the "need" that lower vibrational souls will feel to cause chaos, to live with violence as a matter of course or a natural part of life-some believe, a "solution."And the far more common belief in physical and mental degradation and early death (after only 100 years or less), amongst other old paradigms and belief systems. None of those systems have served you in life, except to help you fulfill your pre-incarnation curiosity about them. Or to support your decision to learn and grow from them on a soul level. Or from efforts to replace them with higher vibrational situations.
As this very special, very powerful Light pours in, it comes in with the energetics of many thousands of intergalactic cultures of which you have all been a part, in one life or another, or connected with in the higher realms.
And so you are also receiving messages from loved ones within those cultures-from soul family, old friends, former or current colleagues within the Galactic Federation (or Intergalactic Confederation), and so on.
These ones do not speak merely to say "Hello! We are here!" as joyful as that is!
They wish for you to begin literally carrying yourself as an Intergalactic Being in your everyday energies, and over time, in your thoughts and realizations about Who you really are.
For some, this is a natural and smooth occurrence.
For others, who are also dealing with much old trauma that is surfacing, there may be quite an inner struggle happening.
This is where meditation and high vibrational music can assist you. Even if you do not feel that you image inwardly very well, the energies of meditation, including quiet time spent in Nature, can bring the subconscious into a quiet yet ongoing acceptance of these new energies and all they hold.
Likewise, chanting or singing Sanskrit mantras, and speaking or writing out affirmations about how it is safe and good for you to heal, to awaken, to become your higher self.
All of these are a way of opening a door in your psyche and spirit which know and feel that integrating this powerful Light and the essences, messages, and sound vibrations that it holds is safe, pleasant, and healing. And a big part of your current life, willingly taken on by you and your soul family.
In a sense, we would be misleading you to say that it should be all easy, all smooth sailing.
We would be misleading you if we said this time can be easy if you just allow it, as all of your 3D training is powerfully resisting this new growth many days, and that can be disturbing, exhausting, and even feel defeating at times.
Yet recall that in this Light, you are able to manifest what you desire far more quickly, which can provide some support as you travel this path.
Recall that your meditations take on new healing and revelatory power now, as you open to new insights from the Universe, your soul, and all the Angelic powers of the higher planes.
And realize as well that in this Light, you will experience more heart-opening moments than you have in the past. And with it, a feeling at times of new optimism, new beginnings, new possibilities and potentials that in the past you would have shrugged off as "unlikely or impossible."
We would say, go ahead and admit that what you are experiencing is very hard some days, while encouraging and positive other days.
Be kind as you are honest with yourself that this path is a steep one at times, yet somehow, it leads you back Home to loved ones and more Joy than we can express in any modern language.This is where the power of higher vibrational music comes in-the vibration of those sounds can lead the subconscious to remember the Joy of the higher realms, so that it allows in more Transformation in this new Light.
Be patient with yourself and others as the heart-opening pulls you to new places which can reveal vulnerabilities-and yet, no embarrassment to that, as you increasingly release the old 3D ego-based defenses and the need to take yourself and outer life so seriously.
Open to healing from your soul, from healers in body and in the etheric! Call for the support you require now! It desires to come to you.
There is still laughter and Joy, dear friends! They await you in great quantities, along with the many beautiful forms of Love and Abundance that your heart has long cried out for.
And so we would say, Open to receive!
You have already been aware of the path and its many high Presences for a long time.
Welcome this new Presence - your higher self, stepping into your human body in new and unprecedented ways, though still also located in the higher realms.
We welcome you to your 5D life! Open the door wide-as co-Creator you have helped to make this, and it shines with astounding brilliance.
Namaste, dear ones! You are never alone.
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