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Origins of Mankind Revealed by The Elders

Origins of Mankind Revealed by The Elders

Mankind's Beginnings

Have you wondered about mankind's earlier beginnings?

Given in Love will be released in 2025. Now, as you ponder mankind's start, add this understanding to all that you consider. Enjoy this excerpt in advance of its release found in Chapter 1.

That area that is most significant. It is there, as there is much that has originated from that proximity in earlier times. We want you to know the value of Abiquiu and all that it offers historically. 

There is an origination that did occur. This is what we sought for you to know. Mankind did have their earlier beginnings here, and there are those fossilized treasures stored deeply within. Perhaps, we could say, beyond the bottom of the lake. And so this area is quite unique as it holds and warehouses much in the mounds and mountains that were before you. 


When I googled Abiquiu, New Mexico in Google, here is what it said — This 5,200 surface-acre reservoir is surrounded by red sandstone formations adjacent to the historical Pedernal Mountain. Reptile fossils 200 million years old have been found in the area. - Found in Chapter 1, Given in Love

Energy Vortex

What is an energy vortex? I encountered one when I was in Abiquiu, New Mexico but they are not unique to that area as these occurrences can be found almost anywhere.

To give a bit more context to an energy vortex, here are some of the questions I posed later in the same Chapter. The Elders answered my questions, and are shared now —

What does an energy vortex signify or do? 

In this case, there is an energy that does buoy up and bring more into being. This is that. This energy vortex does move (as do most) as the Earth moves for none are static. It moves as it is vibrating and pulsating energy. And so where it is discovered to be one day may move to another proximity the next. It is always fluid and flowing until it is not.

What causes an energy vortex?

It is caused and is the result of a wave of energy that moves toward another similar wave of energy. As the two come together, there is a forging of energy. Let’s say they become intertwined. And in that co-mingling of energy, they move in a way that is perhaps counterintuitive to what you might believe. You do feel this energy as it surges and moves about. 

Is it beneficial? Does it signify something unique?

It is beneficial to the one who holds the energy key for it to be or not. It is, in a way, similar to the energy matrix created in your earlier embodiment. The embodiment where Issie resulted. And so focus on that now. Sit with it for a time, and then more will be given. 

Might you provide a bit more now?

As you move within the energy of a vortex, you can adopt or adapt to that energy. It is in keeping with your intentioned focus and what you wish for this energy to provide. You must sit with the energy to know what the energy holds. This is a significant understanding and one that you must muse upon. - Found in Chapter 1, Given in Love

Awaken - the Definitive Guide

In Awaken, the Elders share about energy vortexes and how many have been unknowingly created. They, too, hold energy belonging to the Soul. Have you thought to engage your heart and ask some questions about your past? In Awaken - the Definitive Guide to Transformative Change, these are discussed because the first embodiment of my Soul created one. There's a lot here. Know that your story is waiting to be told and is perhaps much greater than you are aware of today.

Written authorization from Robyn G. Locke, granting crystalwind.ca exclusive permission to republish her articles. © 2024. All rights reserved.

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Robyn G. Locke is an Energy Intuitive, Coach, Speaker, and Author who helps clients break negative patterns and find their true purpose. She bridges the physical and nonphysical worlds to offer purpose-driven self-healing books and workshops. The Elders, beings of Pure Consciousness and Infinite Awareness, communicate through Robyn to share insights that can change lives. They remind us of our true purpose and offer steps for healing and positive change. Source Here

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