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Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light: Awaken and Find Peace
Written by Asara Adams

The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light:
"We are here now.
We love you.
We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.
Beloved One, as you are on your path of awakening from the dream, you will become more and more aware that you are in fact, still in a dream.
This dream is also called "The Illusion."
In order to wake up from the dream, it is important to become fully aware that everything in your perception is part of this dream.
Just like in your physical sleep time dream, you, everyone and everything in your dream is not real.
You know that it is not real when you wake.
When you remember the dream, you know that you, the people and everything in it was not real.
The moment you wake up "poof," everything is gone.
Where did everything go?
It disappeared into nothing.
So it is with your waking up from your dream of Illusion.
There are different levels of dreaming:
- Dreaming after you go physically into sleep.
You are aware that you are going to sleep and that you will dream.
Sometimes, you remember your dreams. After you wake up, you know that you have dreamed. The Ego Mind is in control of your dreams to ensure a continuation of the Illusion each time you wake up from your sleep.
- The dream of Illusion and Separation from God and all God's children
The time when you are not physically asleep.
Sometimes, you are aware that the experience is not real, but most of the time, you belief that your experience is real. The Ego Mind is in charge most of the time to ensure a perceived separation from God and all God's children. Yet, an awakening from this dream has begun and your true God Mind can momentarily be in charge. As you continue to transcend the Ego Mind, you are then able to enter the Happy Dream.
- The Happy Dream
You have realized that the dream of Illusion wasn't real and you have shifted into a very peaceful existence. You are still in your physical body. You have remembered who you really are, who everyone in your world really is and who God really is:
Love, Peace and Innocence only.
You are One with God/Source and all children of God (everyone in your world.)
All experiences are peaceful, happy and loving.
- Ascension
You have left the happy dream of physicality and have moved into an eternal non-physical existence. You have left the karmic wheel of reincarnation, as you have completely transcended the Ego Mind.
You are now only one mind - the Mind of God.
Beloved One, simply your desire and willingness to truly awaken and to return to God is enough. You will receive much assistance on your path of awakening, which is assured.
It is God's Will for you to transcend the separation and the Ego Mind and to come Home.
We are with you, every step of the way.
You are loved beyond measure.
We are with you... always. We love you.
We are you. Namaste."
Thank you, Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light!
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