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Sovereign Weaving with the Anuhazi Collective
Written by qosmicbutterfly Views: 1016

There is an emerging need to be more free. More care free, less limited, less concerned about the impositions of those who would stand in your way.
There was resistance every step for a very long time and many of you felt as though it would never let up. You struggled over and over, and every time you thought you’d broken through there were more challenges, more boundaries, more programming to deconstruct.
The way is now open. We have laid a framework for you to take your next steps in whatever way you wish. Freedom was hard earned but it is available to you now, and forever more.
There will of course be more trials, more challenges and battles. There is still programming to unlearn within the collective, but now we have reached a point from which the way we choose to approach the remaining tasks is up to us. We have opened the space to dance, and dance we shall.
We would like for you all to assess your life, from beginning to present, and discern why things unfolded for you the way they did. Every one of you have been challenged repeatedly in ways that seemed unfair, and for many they were, but now you have all reached the point from which you can begin to recognize why things had to happen this way. Every one of you reading this has been shaped into an outstanding specimen of human perseverance, strength, beauty and radiant will. Everyone unique, and it is exactly because of the experiences that led you here, which were carefully designed by your own selves, to make you who you are.
We understand that many of you feel this in some way validates your suffering as we do not intend to say that you needed these pains, however we also know that your trials forced you to decide who you wanted to be, in ways that could only possibly make you who you needed to be. We do not seek to glorify what you have been through but the ways you have dealt with these challenges is most certainly glorious. Congratulate yourselves on who you are now, standing tall in your own beauty.
The freedom to decide how you meet your next challenges is important to make use of now, and therefore important to understand.
We have seen you all rise into consciousness from which the future may be shaped to some extent, and understood beyond that. We know that you are capable to witnessing that which will come, and prepare for it. But how is it that you wish to approach it, and why? What do you wish to build, to offer, to bestow upon your brothers and sisters?
Every step until now has been a gift to yourself. From here, every step shall be seen as a gift to the rest of your species, to the entire planet, and it is fully your privilege to decide what you wish to give.
As you understand yourselves, as you understand that which must be done, and the needs of those you love, and may now begin to determine what you wish to create from what you soon begin to deconstruct. This in turn determines how best to approach the trials ahead. What tools, what stance, what skills will you bring into your affairs? You have all you need, and know how to use it, but what brushstrokes will you choose? Which paint, canvas, backdrop, frame will you prepare for the paintings you wish to blossom forth from your own heart-womb?
We await your answers eagerly.
The Anuhazi Collective
This article is written exclusively by Qosmic Butterfly for © 2024 All rights reserved. Do Not Copy.
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