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The Alcade Collective: Insights on Immortality and Cosmic Connections
Written by Octavia Vasile Views: 2171

The Alcade Collective, 6th dimensional Pleiadians: *excerpt from a very interesting channeled message received today as an answer for someone who asked me to channel through automatic writing for her. I include here only the part which is not personal.
"You are immortal. If you look into your true nature, you will remember that you are immortal like any other being.
However, we do understand that this question comes from the mind which has identified itself with the physical body and then it expects death to come. The only death that you experience comes because of a memory loss that happens when the body dies—even that is illusionary and can be experienced in a different way when one is truly present and awakened. The memory is lost because of the suffering that the human being has experienced throughout his/her own life. When one learns how to live a non-dual life, one does not create nor experience suffering anymore, and so one will not lose their memory.
This is how the ascended masters experience reality. They simply remember everything but nothing as being personal—all memories are series of events that they have experienced though they can see themselves to have played a variety of roles which enhanced their life experience. Though, none was real and not seen as real—but as a wonderful part of the complexity of life.
To answer your question, many of the cosmic beings, from the 5th dimensional reality upwards, do not lose their memory. They simply shape-shift once in a while as there is no need to keep the same body all the time.
Would you experience life in the same body if you had to change it whenever you like? A point comes in their life when they feel that the body has served its purpose. The body relates to the mind and the spirit—it is not only a vehicle but a very vivid part of one's manifestation. Therefore, sometimes the cosmic beings decide to shift to another body because in this way they clear their path and start from a different vibration. For some of them, it feels very much like starting a new life though the old one does not disappear as the memories remain intact.
We want you to know that you can experience life in the same way. It does not matter where you live, on Earth or the planets from the star system Taygeta, as far as you are aware of your potential and who you truly are. You are the creator—and as you awaken to the truth within you, you can start manifesting a 5th-dimensional reality in which time does not exist—at least not in a linear fashion. You can jump through time and experience different time-frame realities as you can do so in a different body, one that you create. You can even experience life simultaneously in different bodies and be aware of it—you are a multidimensional being.
Cosmic beings from the 4th dimension upwards are all telepathic—they can all establish such a connection with any other telepathic being. It is simpler for them than it is for you though. You will need to tune your brain to the frequency that you wish to connect with first—once you reach the frequency, the connection is established. You can do so by listening to Pleiadian music, to channeled transmissions from the Pleiades, and by listening to light language. All these will help you tune into the Pleiadian Frequency. Enjoy it!"
The Alcade Collective, 6th dimensional Pleiadians channeled by Octavia Vasile
If you wish to book a reading session with Octavia, please check the link here!
Many blessings!
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