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The Sirius High Council: Time's Almost Up!
Written by Chellea Wilder

Greetings, we are the High Council of Sirius.
These truly are extraordinary and thrilling times for Humanity.
The anticipation and excitement surrounding the possibility of contact and interaction is no longer just a possibility, it is Happening Now.
An increasing number of individuals are reporting sightings of Lightships belonging to your many Star Families. Even our Dear Ambassador, and Scribe, Chellea, encountered the Ashtar Galactic Command Ships, while in the midst of Channeling them.
Each passing day seems to bring Humanity closer to the long-awaited moment of your intergalactic engagement, a moment that has been foretold and envisioned by many contactees, Channelers and Scribes. The signs and signals of this impending contact are becoming more apparent and undeniable.
As you witness the unfolding of significant revelations and disclosures on a global scale, it becomes increasingly evident that it is only a matter of time. All of the governments and authorities of your world are being compelled to acknowledge and accept the existence of extraterrestrial life.
The veil of secrecy that has shrouded this truth for so long is Lifted, and the truth of our presence is being revealed to all.
Many have questioned why we don't reveal ourselves without waiting for acknowledgement from your Governments. The answer lies in the fact that the general population tends to react with intense fear when confronted with the unknown. This has been observed in past incidents. Your governments would immediately perceive us as a threat and not hesitate to use force, not only against us but against all of humanity. They would direct their weapons towards you, our beloved families. At present, they are still attempting to portray us as a menace, alleging that we are impeding your free will by discouraging the use of Weapons of Mass Destruction.
They may go as far as causing a False incident, that would trick people. We, your Star Families, will not use weapons of Harm in any way, towards you or your militaries.
It is essential for humanity to move beyond this mindset of control, devastation and the wanting to harm others. The ones currently propagating these threats are the Leaders of your Nations. This is why a growing number of individuals are standing up against them. Humanity is in the process of liberating itself from the constraints that have restrained you.
Many also ask why are we here and why is it so important for Humanity to know about us.
It is crucial to recognize that alongside our presence, a profound shift is occurring. The Ascension. The Human Collective has long been blind to your Truth, And Time is running out. The spiritual evolution of Earth and Humanity is also currently unfolding. By acknowledging the existence of extraterrestrial beings, you also must acknowledge the spiritual Aspect of this Interdimensional Reality. As Humanity embraces the idea of the extraterrestrial presence, you are opening yourselves up to a deeper understanding of the spiritual evolution through the Dimensional Spectrum.
As Most of you already know, This awareness not only expands your perception of reality but also will help elevate your personal growth and enlightenment. Through this recognition, you become open to the infinite possibilities that exist beyond your current understanding.
The Ascension process is the Natural Spiritual Evolution into Higher dimensions of existence, pushing you to transcend The Physical limitations and embrace a higher level of consciousness. Therefore, by acknowledging the extraterrestrial presence, Humans are not only expanding your awareness of the cosmos but also unlocking the potential for profound spiritual growth and transformation within the Human Collective. This realization will bring knowing of the interconnectedness of all life forms.
Limitless possibilities await those who are open to embracing the unknown. Trusting in your own inner guidance, leads you to infinite realms of experiences. All Leading towards the Light and All lifting you Higher in Love.
Time is running out for those still in 3rd Dimensional Vibrations. The Earth and all who reside here are being engulfed in the Love light of the Creator. Raising you higher and higher into a New existence. We celebrate your Return to Oneness.
We Love you, and Honor you, We are the High Council of Sirius.
Transmission received by Chellea Wilder at Universal Lighthouse
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