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Uncover the Hidden Power of Dreams
Written by Robyn G. Locke Views: 1093

Dreams - Their Value
Do you recognize the value of your dreams? Do you easily remember them as you awaken?
If you do, do you immediately write them down before they are lost? The Elders share their benefits in our next book. Discover the net effect and what you gain when understanding what they seek to impart. They provide more than you might now imagine. Make a point to interpret your dreams and not relegate their meaning to another. This is key.
Dreams - Value - Placeholder
An excerpt from Given in Love --
Consider that the dream is the in-between representative. It is that placeholder of information given during an illusionary time when so much is unstructured. It is given during a time of restoration. It is meant to be a time of refreshment. A time when the body and mind have an opportunity to breathe.
Do you also see that it is an opportunity to receive outside of and beyond the mental knowingness that does otherwise exist? It is an opportunity to share insights without the oversight of the mind for the mind does not understand what is being given during this time. So we will say that this is a threshold of opportunity to receive without interference.
It is an opportunity to receive without the overbearing nature of the mind coming into cue. It is a means of learning more in a more holistic way. It is more allowing and more emblematic of what might otherwise be. Without the mental incursion of thoughts so dominated by the mental box, spiritual aspirations, and explorations can more easily enter in.
Dreams are a means to allow instruction minus the mental box. And so, to cultivate a dream state is to receive without mental incursion. It is to receive without the need to worry that the mind will hijack what is being given. This is why we would suggest that the in-between time, known while sleeping as dreams, is so very important because it is an opportunity to receive direct direction. It is a means to understand more that was previously not understood. It is the means for more to enter into the platform of understanding without and in the absence of mental aspirations.
Found in Chapter 1, Given in Love
I continue to gain invaluable insights during the dream state. This is the means of having a workaround to the mental-ness that might otherwise exist. My dreams have let me know when there's something amiss and underfoot. Sometimes even alerting me to unseen dangers that I needed to become aware of. They've also directed me to get after other opportunities so I'd be prepared for what was soon to come my way.
Who are the Elders
If you're new here, do you wonder about the Elders? Do you wonder why they're here and how it is that I'm able to connect to them? They are those beings who stood behind my Soul. They remained with my Soul when they, my Soul, chose to embody. My Soul is also an Elder. These beings came here on a mission. Their mission was to remind humanity of their divinity. That the particle or speck of divinity that resides in the heart space is the means of connection to that Greater Aspect known as the Soul. The Soul is that Greater Aspect that brings us life and this Earth experience.
This opportunity - this life experience - is for a purpose. It was to understand and know something when physically placed by feeling our way through each occurrence we encountered. This experience was meant to be a spiritual one, not egoic. We were and are to determine the best path to take accordingly. It was to feel something previously unknown and know more distinctly what we (vis-a-vis our Soul) sought to know.
Your purpose and my purpose are uniquely held. It's why we are here today. We have continued and will continue to return until doing so. This was the agreement. And what is time when we came from no time? But I've been told we've been embodying for so long that it is most definitely the time to enact what our Soul once sought to know.
Written authorization from Robyn G. Locke, granting exclusive permission to republish her articles. © 2024. All rights reserved.
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