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Solar-Stellar-Earth Events 2024: The Ultimate Year in Review
Written by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
In 2023 all of my channeled information pointed to a great shift in 2024 unprecedented events as Earthly and stellar signs and events would become living cyphers in the fullness of time.
As I stand in December 2024 I look back and see with wide- clear eyes, and all I can say is ‘Holy Moly’, enjoy the trip!”
Message from The Elders for 2025,
‘believe that the river and all waters have their destination’, let go of the safety of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, ride the flow, keep your eyes open, and your heads above the water.
▲2024 Year of the dragon aligned with wood
▲Beginning of 2024 all incoming corneal Mass ejections were literally deflected by some type of energy until 4/4/ who what??Then it started changing.
▲The total solar eclipse was on April 8, 2024, It opened up the new Earth portal during the solar eclipse many individuals on Earth wanted to make their presence known to the sky gods.
▲the HARRP energy in Alaska was activated and that was just what we are aware of. Most of these proposed events did not take full flight. During the eclipse which went full and total over the center of the United States the Starlink satellites went through an unusual pattern of dropping in position. Like drones that aren't of the same wavelength
▲Info about blue star kachina As we move our energies into 2024 the Blue Star kachina made itself known this frequency is happening as a white dwarf and a red giant within the constellation Corona borealis which means the crown are sharing Energies creating a great force between them this event was supposed to happen and this September as predicted by scientists but that energy has not made itself seen in the month of October. Nor can I find anything updated
▲May 10 The Aurora that showed its colors all the way down to Puerto Rico.
▲June 3rd parade of planets similar to conjunction harmonic convergence the planets were Mercury Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune
▲July 25 Day out of time/
▲July 26 Mayan new year/ BLUE GALACTIC STORM YEAR
▲8/19/2024 August full moon Blue Moon super-moon (my birthday)
▲10/ 2 Ring of Fire solar eclipse new moon /Over Easter Island with comet overhead/ x class flare (my anniversary)
▲Comets 2024
First comet of 2024 went into the Sun during the total 4/8 solar eclipse.
Comet 12p/pons-brook left earths field and is currently located in the constellation Lupus
Twin tale Comet tsuchinshan-atlas went into the sun 10/28/ Halloween week
▲MINI MOON asteroid that has been pulled into the moon's field of energy it is about 32 ft wide not visible to Earth at this time in the past for many moons have been discovered the time period it will hang out at the Moon is predicted to be less than a year. Quasimoons are different than mini moons they are pieces of space that get caught in gravitational fields they all carry info from deep space. Our government has been looking in how to mine them and how to control them
▲Scientists have found out that the Moon is Rusty even though there's no oxygen and water on the moon it has created places of hematite growth.
This is seen at the NORTH SOUTH POLES.
▲The planets Mercury and Venus do not have any Moons. Saturn has 82 moons both Neptune and Uranus rain diamonds.
▲Asteroids provide Platinum selenium gallium iridium tellurium . Iridium is molten in the Earth's core high temperature minerals come from deep space. Iridium cost about 96,000 per gram
▲The green sand on the beaches in Hawaii are made that way from the energy of olivine which has fallen from the sky in meteorite form
▲This will be a year of Multidimensional filtering, go with flow, surf waves of change Honor the necessity of being and thinking fluid. Flow around obstacles not over or thru them.
▲The Blue Galactic storm Frequency between now and July25th 2025 asks one to resiliently ride the unknown, no matter how much it bucks you. Cultivate equilibrium in your own body, deepen your willingness to grow, flow, shift, and recalibrate, then ladies and gentlemen ‘restart your engines!” It is time to re-activate your badge of courage; wield your alchemical powers for good. , be a conscious catalyst for positive molecular change and regeneration. Honor the essential role of earth maintenance in all of its forms. Care but do not over-care; give but do not over-give. Show up for your life in a healthy way. Shift the world by circulating your high- Heart light.
▲Water can take the form of an ocean, river a stream a lake a pond. Water Ebbs and flows water continually changes, like the ocean tides every six hours ; it can be deep or it can be shallow it can be frozen it can be ice sleet snow rain hail. Water can boil like in the hot springs. water fits all containers it flows into/ Humans are 60% water /earth's surface is covered in 71% water/ Inner earth contains five times more water than all surface water combined.
▲Scientists have recently discovered a gigantic ocean under Earth's crust. It is 700 km (444 miles) beneath Earth's crust under this new find there is a scorching hot layer of molten earth. It is three times the size of all of our oceans on the surface and it is trapped within a mineral called Ringwoodlite. Ringwoodlite is similar to olivine which is found inside meteorites. This particular mineral has the ability to trap water. The water stored inside the mantle isn't liquid solid or gas but a new fourth state.
10/10 2024
♦♦ Aurora index 9.0 reached to the deep south/ red Aurora created by oxygen
11/20/2024 Official age of Aquarius began ( silly me thought that happened in the 60’s)
11-22 2024 Aurora over volcano in Iceland
11-25-2024 Blue flowing lights seen during China avalanche
"We have not found any previously documented cases of such an event, making this discovery both thrilling and intriguing for us," says Li. "Our initial hypothesis is that the luminescence may result from friction-induced lighting during the fragmentation of ice."The phenomenon is called "triboluminescence." Legendary physicist Richard Feynman explains it best: "When you take a lump of sugar and crush it with a pair of pliers in the dark, you can see a bluish flash.
Corneal mass ejections are Plasma clouds/
Solar flares are Solar bursts- filaments off the Sun
Effects of cme and solar flares
♥Dimensions of time and space begin to ‘wobble’ erratically.
♥Some people seem to be losing track of time, and/or they are losing words when speaking.
♥For others, the day seems to simply disappear.
♥A number of people are having difficulty sleeping, tossing and turning in the night unusual dreams.
♥Some are feeling huge power surges in our bodies; these surges are often followed by a drop in energy level.
♥There are reports of nausea, body aches, unusual pains that come and go, and dizziness.
♥Some people are feeling a sense of overwhelming grief and sadness others euphoria and out of body sensation.
♥visual disturbances, inner ear issues, buzzing in ears, throat and thyroid issues, and cold feet.
Solar storms become a geo-magnetic storm when headed for earth, During a solar storm, you can expect any of the following:
- headaches or migraines
- breathing issues
- sleeping issues (such as insomnia, interrupted sleep, not getting a full night's rest)
- irritable mood
- losing items or they somehow mysteriously return
- time warps / glitches - you lose periods of time, or have odd experiences such as feeling like only a few minutes have passed and yet you look at the clock and it's actually been hours
- heightened paranormal abilities
- sudden insights and revelations that seem to come out of nowhere (ta da)
The Quantum Awakening has been Serving the Global Light Community since 1986. This newsletter is Spirit Driven and has been in circulation since 1986. It reaches a core group of millions of dedicated Planetary LightWorkers. One to one, light to Light, it births itself into completion from that point forward. This newsletter is lovingly crafted by Spirit. Any imperfections in spelling and grammar only enhance its beauty and uniqueness.
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