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Ascension Aspects Part 1 - Solstice 2012


Cosmic Awareness

Part One

This is a reading for general purpose. Present tonight at New Avalon are Christina and Blu, as well as Callista and myself, Will, Interpreter. Today’s date is December 17, 2012.

That which is Cosmic Awareness is tonight available for the purpose of this general reading. This Awareness indeed brings a message of hope and well-being to one and all. It is indeed now but four days until that monumental date of the 21st of December, 2012.

This Awareness declares that with but four days to go, it is most definitely time to understand the process that awaits. There has been much speculation and many predictions made. This Awareness has also given information about this monumental event.

But today It wishes to be much more specific on what the Ascension experience holds for one and all. On that date that energies will reach a maximum as the Divine corridor to the central sun, Alcyone in the Pleiadian system, is fully open. There are seven gateways of ascension through which a soul sends that which is an aspect of itself down into physicality, through this very corridor from the central sun, which is a portal into 5th dimensionality and higher. All beings who are alive at this time, all human beings, have a process whereby the soul determines it is in need of a physical experience, it is desirous to have a physical incarnation. 

When all agreements are made with those who will be the major players in one’s life, when the plans are drawn up, so to speak, the soul aspect begins its journey into the physical form by first entering through that which is the portal of the central sun, Alcyone. It goes through seven stages of deceleration, if you will, where it gears down from the higher frequency into the lower frequency of 3rd dimensionality. That these gateways are sequential, if you will, and the descending soul must travel through these gateways until it has reached that frequency where it is able to enter physicality and inhabit a physical form. In some ways it is also a shrinking down of that which is the energetic of non-physical form, of spirit form, so that it can indeed enter into the body and experience a human physical existence.

There are also in place certain laws that will apply so that the Spirit aspect of focus, the focus personality, enters into physicality with the agreement that it will forget where it came from and how it arrived. This is the Veil of Forgetfulness that all must indeed pass through in complete agreement. That by doing so they will be completely immersed in their physical experience. By not remembering their soul connection will not simply abandon a physical incarnation because it was not going well. All lives have indeed a plan and a purpose. Even those that one would call a bad life, one full of suffering and pain. Even those that are good lives are planned as well. But the point is that all aspects of the soul that have chosen physical incarnation must go through the descending, decelerating experience, that they must come to the lower frequency range in order to be contained in a physical body, to have a physical experience.

The opposite process occurs when the individual aspect of the soul, the focus personality, is complete their physical life at whatever point this is to be. That the experience is reversed, returning back into the spiritual fabric of the soul. One first leaves the body, exploding out of it, if you will, in a force of release that severs the final connecting cord, that which is often known as the “silver cord” to the physical body. It then progresses along the corridor to the first of the seven gateways, passing through sequentially all seven and exiting again through the central sun portal of Alcyone, returning back to its spiritual beginnings and source.

This process is not one that can readily be measured in a time sequence, for it happens very quickly. But that the decelerating spiritual aspect that is to have the experience can take up to nine months, the period of gestation, to enter into the body completely and fully. This period of time is somewhat flexible, but generally speaking it is the time required for the fetus to reach a stage where the spirit body or form can enter into the physical form. It must have developed sufficiently to hold that descending spirit, that aspect of the soul that is choosing to have this life experience.

This is that which occurs to every human being who chooses to have a physical incarnation. That which is now about to begin, the energies of which have already started to ramp up, to accelerate, is that the portal of Alcyone, the central sun, is open. The seven gateways have been themselves opening to allow the force that is the Divine consciousness, that which is the essence of God Itself, to pass through the central sun and come through the gateways, down the corridor, to reach planet Earth on that which is the date that has been given, the 21st of December, 2012.

There will be an alignment of the planets along the corridor, creating an amplification of the energies in the corridor, assisting the gates to open, the Spirit gates, that will allow that which is the free flow of Divine consciousness to come sweeping through, to come through as a tsunami of Light and spiritual energy, spiritual consciousness. It will sweep over the planet Earth and cause an event that is unprecedented, that has never fully been observed in the entirety of the universe, that being the ascension of the planet, Mother Earth, who will be swept from her 3rd dimensional form in a conscious effort between Divine force and the force of consciousness that is the sentience of Mother Earth, Gaia.

What will also happen is that all human life and even extraterrestrial life on the planet will also go through this important wave of consciousness that will soon envelop planet Earth. This Awareness has many times talked about the ascension process, has discussed how planet A will be the planet of Ascension, planet B the planet below ascension. The formation of the new balanced and harmonized planet A/B will also occur. In truth there will be a continuum of experiences from those of the highly ascended beings who will go to the top of the ascension ladder on planet A, to the various degrees of participation of ascension for those who will go to lower levels, the continuum extending down into the planet A/B scenario, where there will be many timelines of experience as there are now, with some at a point in their evolution where they are approaching the ascension experience but have not quite reached it and will carry on physicality and carry on their evolution towards spiritual awareness.

There will be many more timelines of experience on A/B where the choice will still be to experience a physical dualistic reality of 3rd dimensional form. Many will find this as a continuance of the former experience on that which is the present planet, and that instead of simply living in a reality that is exactly the same, they will find that there has been change. That which was the rules and laws of the game have been altered. For the first time they will be involved in experiences where those who are of a negative and dark nature are no longer in control. They will find that they will have choice, balanced choice, between proper action and improper action. Those choices that are contrary to the welfare of others, to the planet, to the creatures and the plant world of the planet, will no longer be condoned. The planet itself and its many timelines will start to face their responsibility as another being on this planet of Mother Earth that is to live in harmony and alignment with the planet herself.

Yet there will be other experiences of A/B where they will find that they are no longer suited to their old opinions, attitudes, ideas, religions and philosophies. But they may resist, they may fight. But over the evolutionary course that they will start to see, humanity will start to see, that there is indeed the higher spiritual component that is a very real force. Humanity itself over several thousand years and many, many different timelines will merge in its consciousness to reach a point approximately 3600 years from now where civilization, where humanity itself, will finally ascend en masse.

But this is the long prognosis, if you will. What this Awareness is simply saying here is that there will be many timelines of experience in the new reality, having the new experiences and reaching an ultimate conclusion many thousands of years down the line.

For those who will choose the planet B scenario, it will be those who cannot, will not, give up that which is their predisposition towards power and control, who will revel in dark actions, who would seek to live in lives that are still controlled by others and that allow them a corruption of Spirit, separated from Spirit, retreating even more from that which is a spiritual understanding of their connection to the Divine. Those who are listening to these words at this time are those who are mostly oriented towards the Ascension experience of planet A, rising in consciousness to occupy this new level of the planet, where it is in spiritual harmony with the higher dimensions, as well as those who may indeed choose to live on the new planet A/B, who will begin to create a new paradise of this planet, and that they will find that they are drawn to their spiritual source as well.

What is not seen by this Awareness at this time are those who will choose the planet B scenario. Thus this Awareness is simply covering the ground of those souls who do not choose to return back into alignment with the Divine consciousness.

This Awareness will now speak of how this will come to be, what will truly occur through that period that is often referred to as the three days of darkness. That in truth this will not be 3 twenty-four hour days but is allegorical to a time frame that will be of a length that it will later be interpreted as three days. But first and foremost what will occur is that that which is the wave of Divine consciousness that will sweep over the planet will take all into this wave, that none will escape this experience. It may sound harsh, but what this Awareness is truly saying is that this is a glorious return back into God consciousness, back into the levels of higher consciousness. One can face this event either awake or asleep. It matters not, for all of humanity, each and every single being on the planet at this time, is about to move into this experience.

There are those who say all will ascend, that one need not worry about it, it will occur to all. This Awareness qualifies that statement and says rather, all will pass through this central wave of Divine consciousness that will sweep down the corridor from the central sun, all will enter into this experience. Those who have prepared themselves may indeed ascend to the various levels this Awareness just described. Others will make other choices and indeed there will be those who will reject the offer of moving into an alignment with Mother Earth and with the higher spiritual concepts.

When one and all pass through, each individual will face that which is their own Divine being. They will face that which is Divine consciousness, God consciousness. In this meeting they will review their lives. They will review what they have done, where they have gone, who they have been. They will be able to reflect on themselves. It is a review that will be a mirror of self-reflection for each and every being. All will remember themselves as the spiritual ones that came through the process of descending into human form. They will not need in that moment to make that return voyage that occurs upon natural death, the return through the corridor, through the seven gateways, through the portal of the Sun. They will instead have the energies of Divine God consciousness brought to them. As each being must review their lives at the time of a physical death, as they return eventually into their Spirit form, so it will be in this moment, in this moment of self-reflection and review.

They will not be able to lie to themselves, for there is nothing that will be hidden, nothing that will not be shown to them. They will see their intent and their purpose. They will understand, each individual will understand with total clarity the reason for their entry into the physical reality at this time. Each will be given a choice to make, a decision to be made. Those who have been working towards self-awareness and higher understanding, those who have been working towards enlightenment and illumination, will choose to move into the planet A energies, ascending to the new spirit form of Mother Earth, as she has too ascended. At that level they will be Spirit beings having an experience on a spiritual planet, a paradise of a planet, where as creator beings they will know that they have the capacity and power to instantly create their realities at the speed of thought.

There will be those, as this Awareness has spoken, who will choose to go into the higher realms, taking with them the bodies of their physical being, those human bodies that will be stored, if you will, in an energetic buffer. These ones will still know that they have a role to play on that which is planet A/B. Through transmogrification, transformation, they will be able to inhabit their physical bodies again and return to play  on planet A/B; being the new teachers, the new guides, the new role models that will assist humanity in its journey towards its eventual mass ascension.

But they will be able to leave physicality, not through the way this Awareness has spoken, which is that which follows traditional death. They will be able to transmogrify and store their energy pattern of the physical body in that which is the buffer zone, that which will contain the patterning of each body, that can be used at will. There will be others who face the decision to ascend but have no more desire to come back into physicality. For them, they will lose the holographic body that they inhabited, the physical body that they were in, and stay in that which is Mother Earth’s higher evolved spirit body and have the experience at that level that they choose.

Many who make this choice will do so because they are complete in their physical journey. They have done the work of service, holding the spiritual space that they promised to hold upon entry into physicality. There are many souls present: star beings, highly evolved spiritual souls, who did not need to come into physicality, but chose to, to assist the Ascension process. They were those who were guardians on the planet, gatekeepers on the planet, those who held open the spiritual doors onto the physical, so that spiritual force and consciousness could flow through them and prepare the planet, prepare human consciousness for this experience of Ascension.

Many are there that suffered greatly in these roles, feeling oppressed, feeling isolated, feeling out of place with humanity; for humanity are those young ones, the Terrian souls that have chosen to come into existence with Mother Earth as their first spiritual stopping place in the long line of physical experiences. But those old souls, those Spirit beings, star seeds, those highly-evolved souls who have come into the planet and her evolution, especially at this time, were holding that space, holding the gateways open to allow the flow of higher spiritual awareness to also be part of human consciousness. Many will decide after they have passed through the wave of Divine consciousness that will sweep over this planet that their role is complete, their service is done. They will not return back to be of further assistance on that which will be the planet A/B scenario. This is in accordance to their plan and their commitment

This completes this part of the discussion regarding those souls who have held the space, who have worked and been of service to Mother Earth and to the Divine. Theirs has been a long and arduous journey often, but always with the ulterior goals of assisting the ascension process. Many have been on the planet many times before. Many are star beings who have agreed to come down into physicality from the Galactic Federation forces to hold the spaces and to align with their stellar brothers and sisters, their cosmic brothers and sisters of the Galactic Federation.

This is the story of those who will choose to ascend. Either they will return fully into the higher levels of consciousness, having earned this, or they will continue in their roles as spiritual teachers and guides, continuing to assist humanity on the journey towards eventual human evolution and ascension.

There are then those who will choose not to ascend but at the same time who are good beings who have lived good lives. There are many who are not engaged in crime and corruption, control and negative manipulations. There are many who are simply good human beings but who have not chosen to focus on an Ascension experience at this time. They have chosen to come into the dualistic 3rd-dimensional physical state of being to have their soul lessons, to gain from their life experiences. Those who are of this order will also be faced with a decision. A decision of whether or not they will return into physicality, continuing the dualistic experience and continuing a physical incarnation, but no longer playing the game that has been played for so long, for this experiment is done, it is complete. It is God’s desire to commence a new level of experience, where those who are of good nature can be presented new choices without the control and manipulation of those who are at this time the Powers That Be.

There will still be a dualistic nature. There still will be choice between right and wrong. But in this new balanced planet, those who choose to try to dominate through negativity, oppressive force, usury, usurpery, violence, crime, etc., will no longer be tolerated, they will be answerable for their actions. While those who are good, just, fair, righteous individuals, who are people of integrity, compassion and heart, will start to see that the crazy world that now exists will start to shift, start to change, and in the new rules of the game they will know that they are living on a new planet.

Part two here



Source Here

Cosmic Awareness Communications (C.A.C.) is a not-for-profit educational and spiritual organization, founded in 1972 in the State of Washington. The official organ is a 20 page newsletter, published monthly, called "Revelations of Awareness". The newsletter is comprised of questions sent in by its readers and the answers given by Cosmic Awareness, which has defined Itself as the Pure Consciousness that permeates everything, including all people, which It refers to as "entities." It defines Itself as the Divine Vibration of the Universe. It is the force many call "God". In no way is It an entity or a disincarnated spirit. It is the same Force which expressed Itself through Jesus of Nazareth, the Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed, Edgar Cayce and other great avatars down through time who served as "channels" for the "Heavenly Father" and who speaks again today as the world begins to enter the New Age of Spiritual Consciousness and awareness. 

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