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2025: The Year of New Starts and Farewells

2025: The Year of New Starts and Farewells

We’re here! The next few years will wrap-up the last of our 3D focus.

This transition has been planned to allow as much grace and ease as possible, with new versions of reality rising as the old version dies. Still, change can be hard if you are attached to the old. Be prepared to let ideas go. As humans, we tend to be quite fond of our ideas, even if they are totally untrue. For many years science and religion agreed that the sun revolved around the earth. We know better now, but giving up a belief can be difficult. Expect this caliber of reversal in the coming year. Any new revelations are best met light-heartedly… “I used to believe that old story? How funny!”

Be aware that this shift is happening worldwide – no country will be untouched. Power dynamics support power to the people, and governments will try (and fail) to force the old ways to continue. The problem is simple… government is based on power and money. Money simply isn’t real (it’s just a collective agreement), and our power has been freely given to our government (again, by collective agreement). I can hear the reaction of panic due to “need” of a government. The future won’t be based on the past. Instead of going back to bartering, think more like going forward to Star Trek.

Some signed up for a really rough ride (like living in a war zone), and the best way we can support them is by becoming the change. Spend at least a few minutes every day feeling inner peace. If you are guided to do other things (protest, volunteer, raise money) be sure you are able to do it with a loving, peaceful heart. Personally, I can either bring in the feeling of peace OR be involved on a 3D level. Becoming internally peaceful is more important, as energy is the foundation of reality. Only you know what you can do while remaining in peace.

We will be moving away from centralized life into local living. Think fewer big box stores and more small businesses. Locally grown foods, locally made goods. I don’t have any intel on how this will happen (maybe we each get a 3-D printer?), just that we are moving away from big conglomerations. It will happen naturally, with some already prepared to jump in.

That’s the old world, or lower timeline. Those on the higher timeline will rapidly get even more blissful. Linear time is already gone, and more people will have awareness of that. Life will become entirely present-moment focused, while feelings of bliss and gratitude become more normal. Choosing a timeline is simply a matter of choosing a frequency. This is much easier to do after you do some shadow work.

“Shadow work” is simply clearing out your childhood psychological baggage, and requires presence and dedication to the task. Traditional therapy is a great place to start dealing with your shadows. Just FYI, the opposite of shadow work is checking out through alcohol, drugs, sex, excessive social media, or anything else that distracts you with a quick dopamine hit. Many people this year will choose shadow work over distraction, simply because it offers lasting results to improve quality of life.

The light will get lighter and the dark will get darker. Keep your focus on the Light. There are enough of us that have been dedicated to this work for so long that we’re actually getting pretty good at holding a peaceful space for the world, right? Thank you for all you do – I see you! Let’s keep going and see what’s over the horizon…

ABOUT NATHA - I have always been one of "those people" whose intuition and energy sensitivity is considerably different than those around me. I was 8 or 9-years-old when I first realized other people didn't talk to their angels or guides, didn't see ghosts, and couldn't see glimpes of the future. Who knew? Shortly after that realization, I also noticed how uncomfortable people were with these concepts, so I just stopped sharing. Now we are all going through a spiritual awakening, a dimensional shift, and more people are becoming aware of the other world where I've always lived. I'm here to tell you that "you're just as sane as I am" (Luna Lovegood, Harry Potter character), and to offer companionship on the journey. I write about my own experiences and my perception of the world, in the hope that it will be of value to you. Contact: Natha, (email is best, but only checked once daily)Source: here

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