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Behind The Haze

Behind The Haze

Whenever you are looking upon “another” and feel any disturbance at all, you are looking upon your projection. The disturbance is experienced because you are projecting what you are not instead of allowing extension of what you Are, so the disturbance is a useful alarm. Projection always brings unhappiness, and extension always brings joy. When you notice that you are projecting what you are not out into the world you make with thought, become aware that when you believe a thought from ego, it results in the projection of a world devoted to one outcome–the enactment of your death.

You do get to make this choice with every thought. You can choose a world of projection devoted to the goal of death. Your death. The world of your projection results in your faked death, the physical experience of a death of a body with which you identify. You can also choose a world devoted to demonstrating life eternal. The second choice is far less familiar to you than the first, but the fact remains that you have these two choices with every thought.

You can become determined to recognize when you are gazing upon a projection. In your relationships, whenever you feel a sense of disturbance, you can go straight to your willingness to see the ones you are with as they truly Are. If you are looking upon something that seems to disturb, know always that it is because you have chosen this frame of reference. It is impossible for you to be a victim of person or circumstance, no matter what thoughts ego may send your way to tell you this is so. Remember the impossibility of victimhood, and find your willingness to be shown the Truth. Life will show you when you ask.

What seems to cause the disquiet? It’s something you think is a truth about that one. Actually, it’s a haze of egoic thought, and it’s appropriate to feel disquiet when gazing upon a haze of egoic thought. You want to know when you are gazing upon a haze of egoic thought as if it is real, so feelings that get your attention are very useful. Just remain aware that these feelings that something is wrong are never anyone’s fault. Your feelings seem to be about situations and conditions, but feelings of disquiet always tell you when you are gazing upon that haze, thinking that it is real.

When you become aware that you have been gazing at the haze, simply go to your willingness. Instead of looking at the unreal as if it is Real, what are you willing to see? What are you willing to be shown? If you allow clarity to come to you, it will come. If you keep your focus upon flaws and faults and all things unreal, clarity will wait until you are ready.

Remember this anytime you’re with another, anytime you think of another: You always have the opportunity to see the truth of that one, to see what they Are instead of looking upon the haze ego conjures around them. Make this the highest priority–seeing and knowing all as they truly Are–and you will be able to see your Self as you truly Are. There is only one Self, and you can see it everywhere.

You’re used to thinking the haze is real and believing the haze. The Light behind the haze is Real. The haze means nothing. It is only meant to distract you from the Light. When you feel disquiet of any kind, find your willingness to shift your focus from the chaos of the haze to the order of the Light.

Any positive or negative past associations about separate someones are the egoic haze. Positive or negative. If you think that only one has a positive prize such as peace, you will inevitably draw comparisons and meet one who seems to lack peace. All Are peace. Find your willingness to see equality and sameness among beings. To think that one is especially this or that is to distract yourself with the haze.

Notice how ego sorts beings into categories and then remembers those categories. There may be one you think lacks peace. So then when you think of that one you think of lack of peace. When you go to meet that one you expect to meet lack of peace. Looking through the haze, you can see, in any moment, who and what that one truly Is. When you are able to see all beings as entirely without lack, as having no advantage that another being lacks, then you are seeing through the haze. How can Light have an advantage over Light? How can Light lack something that Light has?

Only in a story about time and space could any being seem to have an advantage over another being. Time and space are the haze. Time and space are the fiction. Time and space provide the ego with the means for chopping up perception. Time and space are no hindrance to Light. They can only cover over and distort the Light if you want them to perform this function for you.

When you feel disquiet, you are asking for time and space storytime from ego. You want ego to send thoughts that you can use to block the light. Once you realize that asking for time and space storytime hurts, you stop. It becomes very clear that asking for storytime hurts. Ego would tell you that bad and nasty aspects of the stories are real and would hurt you, but it is asking for storytime that truly hurts.

Remember that Spirit can and will use everything ego made to bring you back to your Self. Simply ask for storytime that helps you see Light. Ask for each seen-as-separate aspect of the haze to be used in the service of the awakening of all. All you have to do is to flip that switch instead of seeing your seen-as-separate self or anyone’s seen-as-separate self as stuck in that haze.

It is our great joy to remind you of your ability to choose the Light.

Photo by Marc Zimmer on Unsplash

In daily life, I’m Julie Boerst, an at-home parent living with my husband and four kids. They are some of my best teachers.
As I learn, release, let go, heal, and allow, moments of clarity come through to help me along. I hope these moments of clarity help you, too, and most of all, I hope they assist you as you connect more powerfully with the guidance that always surrounds you. The guidance that surrounds you–it’s fully harmonized  with the guidance that surrounds me, and as we learn to flow with this energy together it’s the best feeling in the world.
Here’s to a beautiful and shared ride back to our true identity in shared, harmonic, perfect, and eternal Self.  

Credit: here

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