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Cosmic Rays Intensified
Written by Andrea Cutlan
There is so much more to see as we move deeper within, each of us readying to prepare for May which is preparing to hold space for a super shift.
The moons nodes change the balance of our course with a future focus of the Gemini tones and releasing much of the old matter from our fields with the dump in Sagittarian field and Venus takes us into retrograde which can appear quite confusing until we fathom the codes out and realise what guidance was overlooked in order to continue tilling our Sacred Field into perfection.
But lets not forget, that we are still surfing every single tone of the alignments and portals we have moved through since this year began. We are ringing super loud with the likes of Jupiter, Pluto, Mars, Saturn and will continue to do so throughout this year and beyond as the space for this all to ripple out and evolve is utterly vast, these recent planetary placements are keys that unlock the Aquarian Age, hence why its so important to release the hold on the current manifestations we are collectively experiencing, everything has purpose and everything is most definitely happening in Divine Time and any irk or complaint about this closes off any ability to become conscious, it’s a lights out experience through a glitch of non understanding.
To assist with some of these non understandings I have undertaken a new project to form a Light Key that is entitled Dark Force Deactivation, I have released Part 1 Contradictions which starts to unstitch some of the unconscious belief systems we have picked up in our lifetime, it’s a super report with just under 7.5k words that has already caused quite a stir. This Key will be found in the Light Gem section of the Opal Portal at the home of A Gift from Gaia, I imagine this is likely to form into a small book, we shall see, as with everything I create its always so organic, there is no need to bring in expectations, lets just see where it takes us but you will be able to receive it ONLY as an Opal subscriber which I have now made more accessible after receiving a number of emails wishing the exchange could be less, so whilst we have a collective cocoon presenting and all abundance and energy is being redistributed into where is most important I have reduced the monthly exchange to £5.55 per month, and what you will receive in return are many transmissions and videos assisting and guiding us through these shifts including some of the modules from The Alignment Program to work through.
It will soon be time for a zoom too, we have SO MUCH to catch up on since the last and perhaps we could encapsulate the new key as our topic, how cool!
I have just completed the energy report for both Sapphire and Opal subscribers and these are now available on the website and will be in your inboxes by later this afternoon to give you a little direction in the grand scope that the report shares. With the cosmic rays now super intense and the view of the solar minimum end can be seen on the horizon it now comes vitally important to end the period knowing exactly what is happening and why, and therefore how this effects the incoming new solar cycle or rather if we look super carefully into the codes we are currently processing we can pretty much map out the next 7-8 years in terms of the reflection of the patterns we are now working through likewise for those who learned the importance of solar cycles and the patterns of decades then we can see the very same patterns sprouting now, the presentation is always different but the coding under it all has remained the same.
The thing is, now its seen it becomes a known loop and we all know things behave differently once they are seen, things that are unconscious get louder until they disperse and all that is conscious continues to expand, therefore as this solar minimum is by far more intense than the last, the ability to continue in looping patterns now becomes a choice between life and death, its that serious – the path of light, the change of an Age, the evolution of a race is no joke.
It is time to awaken to the codes of Light!
Tomorrow we move into the Moons Void of Course at 2.34pm UTC, we leave the focus of the Aquarian Moon in which we are now moving through feelings and thoughts regarding deeper connections and Unity, may I suggest today is spent with all value centred towards the deepest connection to our planet during this time, and then during the VoC we will move into a space where nothing out there works to well allowing us to release the restrictions and float with the moons guidance, the incoming Piscean Moon will have us fully aligning to the most deepest of spiritual connections and allowing us to fully recharge – that is if you have learned to release the commitments, loyalties and all noise from the reality, otherwise these VoC feel awkward, resistant and difficult.
The guidance will be to let it all go and if you would like to join me with some direct navigational codes as we enter the portal then please head on through the Opal Portal where I will be leaving some coordination gems for all to find.
Always So Much LOVE xxx
A Gift From Gaia
My mission in this moment is to contribute to humanity and assist in raising the vibration here on Gaia, it is my number one passion and there is nothing more that I love than making a difference and creating a ripple of change across the globe. In this space, here at A Gift from Gaia, you will find many light gems that I share and also regular energetic reports that are crucial when committing to your light path.
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