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Harmonizing with Evolutionary Waves
Written by Matt Kahn
I offer this energy update to help you understand what is happening in the atmosphere, how it may affect you, and what you can do to ride the highest wave of conscious evolution along the way.
As you become aware of the weather of the solar system, the more likely you may harmonize with each evolutionary wave, instead of judging any unhealed parts as the reason why you feel the way you do.
While the sun always emits solar flares, they often make contact adjacent to Earth’s atmosphere. While humans regularly feel the emotional effects of solar flare activity, it becomes more amplified when a solar flare moves toward the Earth directly. Solar flares are often classified in strength using Roman numerals. While an M class solar flare moving directly toward Earth was released from the sun many days ago, its effects have been felt over the past several days.
As cleansing agents of karmic patterns and amplifiers of a higher consciousness, solar flare activity can interrupt electrical systems and communication devices. Because the human energy field is its own electrical system interconnected with a bigger grid known as the quantum field, it is likely that the bio-rhythms of your energy field may have felt displaced due to this heightened activity.
One of the highest intentions for this energy update, and the ones I will begin sending out on a more regular basis, is to help you understand your relationship with the Universe to such a degree that you don’t have to blame unhealed parts or lingering wounds as the source of your displacement.
As a key practice for all light workers on planet Earth, may we objectively notice this activity instead of blaming ourselves for a surging of solar weather storms.
When solar flare activity ramps up, it is done to move collective consciousness forward in time, creating a few basic effects. A greater hunger to feed patterns of insatiable desire can ramp up, including increases in emotional triggers, being in conflict with time, as well as tendencies to say words to others you may regret at a later date. Equally so, if you are someone who is moving through patterns of conditioning and on a path of exploring the many layers of awakened consciousness, such solar flare activity can be an opportunity to align with divinity in a more deliberate and compelling way.
Sure, the past few days (or weeks) may have been more sensitive in emotional temperature, but it's also a chance to practice holding space for your experience with a greater understanding that you are responding to heightened cosmic weather patterns and not failing your spiritual mission in any way.
If you are feeling angered, agitated, feeling lost, hopeless, or confused—all that really matters is how you become aware of such feelings versus taking them out on yourself or others—even if you don't respond as perfectly in every moment as you think you should.
Of course, because you incarnated into a family or soul groups at varying levels of evolutionary development, you are likely to interact with characters who have more heightened reactions to this solar flare activity. Such characters often give the empaths around them tremendous opportunities to practice the embodiment of self-love and merciful compassion for others without confusing holding space for being an emotional doormat or a place for others to project their unprocessed pain.
To help you acclimate to this solar flare activity and make the most of the opportunity it provides to up-level instead of spiral, I offer this intuitive advice that can be described in three distinct categories:
Stabilize Instead of Mobilize — While mobilization often means the activity of forward movement, most empaths spend time overly-processing the inevitability of change. They do this by either going back and forth on decisions due to a perceived mixture of loss and gain on either side or feeling lost on an existential level until ‘what’s next’ is revealed. Because of the increases in solar flare activity, it is wise to focus more on stabilizing your energy field than exhausting life force energy by overthinking your options. When you choose to stabilize instead of mobilize, even if just for the next few days or weeks, you may find yourself feeling more internal than social, drawn to the breath more often than usual, feel compelled to create art versus check accomplishments from a ‘to do’ list, ground yourself through activities of self-nurturing care, be near water, spend time in nature, or even spend extended periods in silence. This doesn’t mean you should ghost people or stop any mobilization in progress. It is simply an evolutionary reminder to ensure you are making time to stabilize your energy field. Most importantly, not blaming yourself for how the energy of solar flare activity activates new codes of consciousness in you.
Stabilize Before You Mobilize — If you’ve been preparing to take action, this doesn’t mean to cancel plans or change courses in any way. If taking action is the ‘what’ of mobilization, then stabilization remains the ‘how’ of aligned activity. Perhaps this means, breathing before responding, being clear on when interactions have reached their limit, responding to your own needs more often, being able to communicate your needs and feelings with those around you, taking action in a more mindful flow, asking for help so you don't feel as if the weight of the world solely rests on your shoulders, and most importantly of all, taking a moment to center yourself in love, kindness, and compassion; allowing how you feel to be of equal importance to what you choose to do. Again, it's not a matter of checking out from life until the solar activity has subsided. Solar flare activity is constant, but when flares are this direct, it equally invites a more deliberate awareness. To ensure your energetic stability is equally a priority to any forward movement that you don’t have to force or put off to a later date.
Stabilize While You Mobilize — If plans are already unfolding, please continue such forward movement, but with a bit more awareness of how you feel while traversing time and space. Can you set an intention to spend more time feeling aligned, peaceful, and connected, while also doing all the things you choose to do? Can you stop for 10-20 seconds to breathe before exiting your car for the next errand? Can you take one slow breath before answering a phone call? Can you take more breaks from technology to be silent and still, instead of getting lost in scrolling or binge-watching? Can you drive just a little bit slower, even leaving your home just a little bit earlier to afford yourself the evolutionary luxury of taking your time? Can you chew food just a little bit more deliberately and savor each bite just a little bit longer? Can you speak even the tiniest bit slower and softer, so you may feel the stabilizing presence of your breath?
Whether you are someone who is called to stabilize instead of mobilize, stabilize before you mobilize, or stabilize while you mobilize, it is surely an invitation to connect with Source more deliberately when not assuming the symptoms you may feel over the next few days are more problems you must figure out how to fix or overcome. It's not about doing as a distraction from being or being as a replacement for the importance of doing, but creating a new alignment where the activities of doing may harmoniously emanate from the loving wisdom of your timeless being.
May these next few days be an invitation into deeper sacred connection, with more time spent nurturing your needs than blaming yourself for the evolution in progress.
All for life, all for light, all for love,
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