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Uncovering God's Presence Amidst the Noise and Distractions

Uncovering God's Presence Amidst the Noise and Distractions

It's no longer child's play what's going on. We are challenged day and night to make the greatest possible distinction between who we are and who we are! And recognizing, accepting, seeing through, feeling through and healing this is quite a journey in itself. 

We have had many years of being able to mirror ourselves and draw ourselves up from others who have gone before us on the inner Mystery paths, such as therapists, Saints, Masters, Guides, and whoever else we felt drawn to.

The greatest advances we are heading for now are the moments when we discover how we are no longer susceptible to the forces of duality. Duality in situations, or duality in persons, who apparently lead the way, represent the Light and praise themselves for it. Oh what an illusion this is, for the real divine powers do not come from any person, but from the Divine Source itself, working through the person.

What we long for is mirrored by luminous beings outside ourselves, but that does not provide the fulfillment we seek! Again and again we are led back to the presence of the divine forces within ourselves. And that really goes beyond all the pictures of anyone who has ever been able to unite with his or her true Divine Self on earth, down to the physical. In the coming years, with Pluto as the great transformative powerhouse of death (ego) and resurrection (divine Self) for humanity, the return to the Oneness within ourselves will become paramount! And it is already happening: the descent of our higher Self, which from now on can hold the steering wheel of our lives.

It seems self-evident that we are there, that our heart beats, that the blood flows through our veins, that our senses and organs work without us consciously thinking about it, and that we can use our mind to think about what is happening. is really important to us in this life.

But oh, many of us are starting to realize more and more that what really keeps us alive is that pure divine love power and presence that we do not see, but we do know!

Without that presence within ourselves we would be an empty shell, unable to make any meaningful contribution to ourselves or to others. The true inspiration of whatever we wish to embody or create comes directly from our own Divine Will; that is the only will our hearts desire to serve! How do you know if something is really the Divine Will? Easy; if you are deeply convinced that that is the very best thing you can do, from your loving and pure heart.

We have been able to identify with all possible parts of our personality over hundreds of lifetimes. 'Yes, this is me, I am good at this, oh happy I am important after all, oh he/she has hurt me, oh that's what I'm afraid of, oh that's what I want to be, aahh I'm loveable after all, yesss, this gives me the right to exist, and oh how well I did that, that gives a good feeling, I am so proud of myself', we experienced.

We copied the art of all kinds of initiated predecessors. We allowed ourselves to be trained by those who, in our image, possessed wisdom, could offer us solutions to our problems and healing for our wounds. But now, after the years of process work that many of us have done, we are approaching the point where we are left alone with ourselves (and therefore 'with God'). Our hands seem to be getting emptier because the old grips are disappearing. Because the old identifications no longer work, we are confronted with our fragile self-confidence and our wavering self-image. Building in security for the future no longer works either, because there is only the NOW, which on the one hand is still colored by the 3D, but we would like to welcome the 5D and higher versions! But if we do not know it in the Here-and-Now, then we can trust that we will receive it internally at exactly the right time.

On the one hand, there is still work to be done with our visible, temporary and mortal bodies, with our illusions, thoughts, feelings and beliefs. It is quite a challenge to achieve peace and clarity! And to be able to leave the past behind us, without a trace of resentment, regret, guilt, shame or longing for the good times that were there, the love and joy we received with others, etc.

On the other hand, as the complementary other, 'higher' half of ourselves that we always sought outside ourselves, there is that eternal, invisible divine presence within ourselves. To discover who we REALLY are, to get to know our true Self, we must turn to that invisible presence within ourselves. That is the Source, God, who has given us eternal life and will always offer us the very highest.

But: it is not easy to come into contact with that Source in this overcrowded world. Because all around us the heavy frequency fields are becoming increasingly active. Most of what we deal with every day comes from old illusions. We are overwhelmed by powers that want to keep us in the old way. Many of us have become overstimulated and tired. To find the peace and energy to consistently seek out that Presence within ourselves... that requires intentions that are supported by a lot of love, trust, gentleness, compassion and patience. But they are there, we can do that, we can encourage each other and help each other remember that beautiful, divine LIFE that we all carry within us!

© Copyright 2024 Mieke Vulink

Awakening is an inner journey. As a highly sensitive child, my path embraced music, leading to a conservatory degree in 1991. A Rebirthing weekend in 1985 sparked my spiritual awakening, intertwining with my dual careers—concert pianist and transformational therapist. In 2013, my soul's call led me to a profound meditation, initiating a deep connection with my unborn son Parcival. Since then, my life is dedicated to the search for divinity, Christ Consciousness, and ascension processes. Passionate about guiding self-realization for 30 years, I collaborate with Vincent Rikkerink, expanding our fields in lightwork. My journey involves extensive education in essential healing, coaching, aura soma, and more. Let's explore the transformation and healing on the path to higher consciousness together.

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