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Awakening Your Consciousness Potential
Written by Kenneth Schmitt

Realizing the Potential of Our Consciousness
Although we’ve been trained to look outside of our own consciousness for all of our knowledge and stimulation, none of it is actually there.
What we receive in our awareness is imaginary impressions that we attribute to outside of us. When we have questions about anything, where do we look? Usually for experts in the subject matter online, but not in our own knowing. We’ve learned to believe that we do not already know everything in our own inner knowing. This is a limiting belief for all of humanity, making it especially difficult to resolve, release and transcend for ourselves. If we can fully realize the gravity of this situation for full realization of our Self-identity, we can expand our realization to infinity. This is our capability beyond our self-imposed limiting beliefs. It brings us closer to realizing our true Essence.
We are here, and also beyond here, but we’ve been largely unaware of the beyond part. We cannot in our current containment of consciousness even begin to imagine being infinite and eternal in our presence of awareness. Every step closer that we make gives us greater love and joy. At some point fear disappears completely, and we are filled with our unlimited power and realization of the consciousness of our heart. When we are experiencing this perspective, every breath brings greater realization, wisdom and understanding. We can know the polarity of every encounter, and in our consciousness, we can transform any form of fear into love and life-enhancing energy for ourselves and for all of humanity. When we are in the flow of Creator Consciousness, our radiance grows greatly as much as we allow, according to our remaining limiting beliefs and preferences. This process continues until we finally breakthrough in clarity of our Self-Realization as fractals of Creator Consciousness, individualized and non-localized presence of awareness.
There is nothing outside of the consciousness that we participate in. Once we unlimit our belief in less than that, everything is within our own consciousness. This kind of awareness is part of our innate knowing. To avail ourselves of it, we need to want to experience it. We can use our imagination to create wonderful scenarios of transformation of all the negative energies we encounter. We’re designed to flow through our script in the human play with our unlimited creative ability in resonance with the consciousness of the heart of our Being. With this perspective, the human play becomes fun, and the challenges are games we play with ourselves to sharpen our acuity.
As we become telepathic, we open our awareness to realizing that consciousness is all there is. Since we all participate in the same consciousness, we all arise within the same Essence of Being, which we may recognize as Creator Consciousness. Each of us is Creator Consciousness with our own individualized presence of awareness and free will to use our creative ability however we desire. We have absolute creative power to follow our deepest inner guidance, which provides knowing of the qualities of energy in every moment and knowing of how to transform any negative into its opposite. As we gain clarity, our radiance gains attractive power in alignment with the life-enhancing energy of Creator Consciousness.
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