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Energize Your Soul: The Path to Vitality
Written by Kenneth Schmitt

When we sit in meditation, we may begin with gratitude and innocence in alignment with the Source of our awareness.
How can we know the Source of our awareness? We innately know it is creative and strives for balance, keeping the cosmos and everything in it in equilibrium. This has resulted in negative and positive offsetting polarities in everything. In essence, this means creation and destruction in all electromagnetic patterns. For eons on this planet, the negative energy has predominated, resulting in experiences of life force becoming self-destructive, as directed by the alignment of human consciousness in fear. This resulted in the diminishing quality of life and the disappearance of species. Every life form on Earth is designed to interact with the life force of humanity in balanced ways. When there is heart-felt enhancement of all life, everything works well. This is what we are returning to now. Moving beyond the balance of negative and positive polarities in the density of the empirical world, we are being drawn into a quantum scalar realm of life-creation and enhancement in all ways.
As we go deeper into our awareness by directing our mental and emotional energies to relax and stabilize in gratitude, love and compassion, we open ourselves to more of our essence beyond our realized reality. With the recently awakened applications of scalar technology, we can begin to realize that our awareness is not bound by time or the material world. If we have the opportunity to sit in deep meditation with a being who is leaving the physical world in death, by feeling their presence, we may accompany them in crossing into another dimension of reality. Not only is this profound, it is filled with love and joy, if this is what we want, and what we pay attention to. With this leap in consciousness, we can become aware of our eternal essence.
Beyond the realm of fear, we are infinite Beings. We can be everywhere and nowhere, and we always are who we are. We are free to use our infinite creative ability as we desire. Although we have deprived ourselves of this ability by our fear and limiting beliefs, we can become completely trustworthy in the use of our attention. As we open our awareness beyond what we have known, we can align ourselves with the consciousness of our heart, which is unconditionally accepting and loving. It is a magical alignment with the consciousness of the Source of our conscious life force. By creating this alignment, we elevate our vitality and creative power.
When there is peace and balance throughout our being, we can expand our realization beyond the human trance, to the realm of all potentialities. When we are confident and living in alignment with the enhancement of all life, every possible path and experience becomes possible for us. We are in alignment with the consciousness of the Source of our life.
Enlivening and Energizing Our State of Being
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