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Live an Enlightened Life Today
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Creating an Enlightened Life
When we’re aligned with our true essence, the most important aspect of our lives is unconditional acceptance and love.
This is what we think and talk about all the time. It fills us with compassion and joy, and it attracts wonderful experiences for us in each moment, according to the desires of our heart. Our constant intention is to inspire everyone and to be inspired. We can open our awareness to the radiance of others and know their state of being. For each one we encounter, we can be compassionate for the negatively entranced, and we can be joyful for all who have re-oriented themselves to the consciousness of their heart.
By focusing powerfully on holding an intent to be helpful and kind to everyone, including the psychopaths, we enter a higher dimension of living, and the psychopaths disappear from our experience. We just figuratively step into an unbounded realm that is present for all who can recognize it and realize its reality. It is the realm of life-enhancement in every way, and it is held in our eternal presence of awareness.
Our sense of humor changes, because we are beyond the humor of the ego, which is based on the clever diminishment of life in everyone. Our humor becomes based on wonderful surprises of the greatest love, making us very happy. It’s like having beautiful flowers and inspiring music come into our lives every day. It can begin as a dream. As it becomes familiar in our imagination, and we begin to recognize its feeling and radiance, we can begin to realize its reality in our experience. In our true essence, we naturally inspire everyone who is open to it, including ourselves.
It is important to realize that the great spiritual masters never talk about the chaos and drama of the world around us. These events are important only to those who believe that they are. This is true of everything. If we want to be exempt from experiencing them, we need to become aligned with our heart. We need to step into the dimension of love and the enhancement of all life, through our attention and vibratory alignment. Because we are multi-dimensional, we can exempt ourselves from all negativity, by releasing it from our attention and opening ourselves to goodness and love. We can expect joy in every moment and realize it as our experience.
Although the limitations of the ego cannot allow us to imagine this as reality, we can resolve our limiting beliefs and transcend all the limitations of the body and mind. In our essence we are beyond localization. We are eternal and infinite in our presence of awareness and our creative ability. For these aspects to become real for us, we must recognize them in our imagination and awareness. This is how we create them in our state of Being. We are the creators of our reality. Every possible reality is available for our imagination and recognition, and we are free to realize whatever we most love, causing our experiences in life to occur for us.
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