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Live Your Dream Life Now
Written by Kenneth Schmitt

This Life as a Dream
We are free to create and explore any experience we can imagine.
We chose to be in this current Earth situation so that we could experience what it feels like to be separate identifiable entities, who are self-responsible for everything. Our memories of our true essence have been erased. We are here to experience everything we can imagine from the lowest vibrations of torture and pain to the highest vibrations of joy and bliss. This is our school of consciousness, and we get to choose our quality of life in every moment. The entire experience is happening within our own consciousness, and our conscious ego is also our own creation.
This entire experience is like a dream that we are all dreaming together. We’re learning which frequencies of experience we enjoy the most, and which ones we don’t want any part of. Once we change from reacting to what seems to be normal in our personal situation, and instead perceive our situation objectively with clarity, we learn that we can use our emotions creatively as well as reactively. If we understand the energy that is in play, we’ll feel the vibe of everything. Our life force flows to anything that we give our attention to and align with vibrationally, in the form of our emotional state. By compassionately perceiving every low-vibratory, negative situation, we can provide the perspective of our higher Self, and this transforms all lower vibrations, resulting in wonderful experiences in our consciousness that then become physical experiences.
Quantum physics has shown that we live in a plasmatic field of infinite potentialities. What we experience is what we recognize consciously. We have free will to recognize whatever we choose to focus our attention upon. Because most humans have focused upon the energies that manifest as the empirical world, those vibrations have become well-established in our consciousness, and we continue to recognize them consciously.
We have the ability to create an entire new world of experience by changing our perspectives. We are not limited to the environment and experiences that we had yesterday or last year or two seconds ago. Our conscious realizations are potentially infinitely creative. What we entertain in our feelings and awareness determines our experiences. Most of us continue to hold our past experiences and present situation as projections of what we expect in our future. The spectrum of energies that our consciousness interprets as the empirical world is very convincing as an appearance of reality, and it is real in our conscious awareness. We are the ones providing our life force through our attention to this world and giving it our creative power. We can also use this power to create better personal experiences, which also aligns our energy signature with heart-consciousness, making everything better.
As we expand our own conscious awareness, we also draw the rest of conscious beings into a heart-felt presence of awareness by the radiance of our energy signature, which we experience as our aura. As we adjust ourselves to a more joyous awareness, we become invisible to lower entities, because we intentionally do not give them our life force. Their frequency is not compatible with ours and cannot interact with ours. Because we can consciously direct the life force of universal consciousness, in our Presence all lower frequencies must come into alignment or become unstable and disappear from our personal experience. It’s all a matter of energetics, which reveal themselves to us through our emotions and deep sensitivity.
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