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Revolutionize Your Reality Now
Written by Kenneth Schmitt

Although human consciousness has subjected itself for eons to a predominance of negativity, we are changing the limits of our tolerance for this, and we’re beginning to align more closely with our innate knowing.
Humanity has been trained to provide the active life force to support depravity and destruction, culminating in savagery of all kinds. This is now becoming obvious to nearly everyone, and it is not being tolerated by increasing numbers. Recognition has dawned on many that humanity has been misled about what is tolerable and expected. We need to recognize the energetic quality of our history and current situation. We can accept it as our historical reality and forgive ourselves for cooperating with it. Then we can resolve it in compassion and transcend it in a new realization. In a world without negative control, we all know innately and immediately what is the most life-enhancing energy present. This is the job of our conscience, part of our intuition. This inner knowing is faint and non-intrusive, but definitely present.
Paying attention to the perspective of our conscience provides awareness of the energetic frequency of our deeper Self, and the greater guidance it provides. Once we recognize this connection to our essence, we can give it more attention and keep it in our awareness. At this point, we no longer need to pay attention or align with the energy of life-diminishment and control. By choosing awareness of higher consciousness, we naturally move into an energetic dimension beyond the reach of negativity. No longer do we need to submit to inhumane force. Throughout humanity this force is diminishing and losing its power. As we pay attention to our inner knowing, we can withdraw our life-force from the negative controllers. When we are in energetic alignment with positive, life-enhancing energy, we become exempt from negative influences. They are energetically in a different dimension in parallel to ours, separated by their polarity. The two wave patterns do not intersect or interact. In our dimension, the positive cancels out the negative, and negative influence disappears from our experience.
Everything in our reality consists of electromagnetic waves and patterns of waves. Reality is all about frequency, polarity and awareness. As we draw energy into our awareness by our energetic signature, we open our realization to what we believe is real. By paying attention to our innate knowing in the essence of our Being, we do not bring into our awareness any negative energy. Our position in life is to form and modulate the energetic patterns that come into our awareness in alignment with the consciousness of our Creator-Essence. As fractals of the Infinite One, we have infinite creative ability, but it is subject to our own beliefs in limitation. We do not need any of these. Although they are part of our own consciousness, they are the primary cause that keeps us from realizing our true nature.
In reality, we are unlimited in every way, and we have complete freedom of choice in every moment for how we feel and think. Their vibrations determine the quality of our lives. When we are in alignment with the life-enhancing energy of the Creator Consciousness that we feel and know deep within ourselves, we are creating a new world, along with all others who feel the same way. This is elevating the consciousness of humanity and awakening all to the truth of who we are.
How Are We Changing Our Reality?
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