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The United Consciousness

The United Consciousness


The Earth in the state of Planet School, where the learning of the soul has passed the universal rules, which characterized it as a World of Trials and Atonement, also provided each soul incarnate, the experience of individuality.

We have already said in other opportunities that the soul, when incarnating, followed its own evolutionary project, living in each incarnation, a different character, because here it also experienced polarities, within the Duality offered in this School.

To actually live each character, in addition to forgetting past incarnations, the soul had to feel and record every feeling and every emotion, whether in a situation of joy or pain and suffering. The sum of all these characters, has provided the soul, the formation of its present personality.

If in each incarnation, the soul lived individuality, it is natural that it also experienced separatism. To feel separated from the Source is also to feel the hard test of fighting to survive. And in this fight for survival, she also experienced the Law of Action and Reaction. Often, the soul has had to fight for its own physical life, and in certain situations, it extrapolated in its defense, mainly in situations involving killing or dying.

Fear and guilt were the main causes that brought him learning opportunities, not always ethically met within the Moral Laws. In transgressing such laws, there was the retrospective, the need for rescue and harmonization of each unsuccessful action. This rescue was also referred to as Negative Karma.

Despite all the difficulties faced in this School, the soul evolved and made it here. That was her goal: to be able to ascend along with Planet Earth. At least 1/3 of the currently incarnate souls are in this condition to ascend. It also provided for the Timeline change that replaced the one that made Armageddon possible.

If before the soul experienced all the time what it’s like to live in the condition of separation, now, as we advance into the Planetary Transition, we will also be more conditioned to experience the frequency of New Earth. Separation is giving way to the UNIFICATION OF CONSCIOUSS.

The time to fight for survival is falling behind, along with the old energies of the third dimension. Like was said before, Old will give way to New. And Separation will cease to exist, so that Unification will be implemented definitively, transforming this present School of Test and Atonement, to a higher level of Regeneration.

Divine Laws will also be appropriate for the new phase of the Earth and its humanity. Consciousness will completely change your ability to act and understand. She’s already adjusting to the new phase of her expansion. He is beginning to understand more and more that what was, is no longer. You are leaving behind what is no longer necessary to be carried forward.

The Unification of Consciousness allows for all the necessary adjustments. She will lead the soul to the stage where she will understand once and for all, that we are all ONE. Unification will allow you to understand that the other human being also comes from the same Creator Source, and therefore possesses the same energy, the same origin, which is the same seed, because it originated from the same tree.

The Unification of Consciousness will bring the understanding that an animal, whatever species it is, is also a consciousness that came from the same Source, therefore, it is also part of our energy and our vibration. Who is also a brother-in-law

You will understand that a vegetable is also a consciousness originating from the Source. He's just experiencing the stage and sensations of living like a vegetable in this Terrana School.

The Unification of Consciousness also brings the understanding that minerals, the Stars, the other Planets, and all Galaxies, are parts of the same Unified Consciousness in the Creator Source. All entities that live outside the Earth are also parts of us, since we come from the same energy.

A Unified Consciousness with all this, will finally understand that it is just a Fractal of its own greater consciousness, i.e. its Monada. She will understand that she has higher versions of herself. May she inhabit worlds in every dimension in the infinity of the cosmos And you will understand above all, that now by ending the experiments in Duality, in the Separation of the Third Dimension, that it is being integrated into a higher version of itself.

This integration is nothing more than the UNIFICATION OF CONSCIOUSNESS. The ascension of the soul is nothing but the UNIFICATION OF CONSCIOUSNESS. But in order to reach the completion of the ascension, unification with the other consciences that inhabit this planetary house is necessary. The soul that still experiences separation here, is not ready for ascension.

Those who work at creating the Timeline of Non-Light know all too well about human possibilities and capabilities. And the greatest goal at present is just to create artifacts contrary to the UNIFICATION OF HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS. Creating motives and situations that encourage separation is the most lethal weapon used nowadays. But it can only reach those who allow themselves to be carried away by the wave of dark interests. Step out of the crossfire they are practicing, and LIGHT will illuminate your steps henceforth. The choice is yours and it is part of the Law of Free Will. The power is and has always been within you. And that is one of the most sacred Divine Laws. Nothing can stop you from being unified, if it is indeed your purpose.

I am Vital Frosi, and my mission is enlightenment!


Translation by CrystalWind.ca


Vital Frosi 
Vital is a cultured man. He speak sPortuguese, Italian, Spanish, Veneto dialect and is studying English and French. He knows a lot about History and Geography. He is always up to date and follows everything that happens in the world. He doesnt't like parties. A man who believes in love. Who believes that life is only worthwhile when shared. A man who claims that the woman is the reason for everything, as she is the generative source of life. It all depends on how we conduct our actions. But most of all, we need to fulfill our mission in this lifetime. Find the path of Light, which will lead us to our ascension.

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