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Uncover Your True Essence Now
Written by Kenneth Schmitt

When we begin to realize what we love about ourselves, we can look for greater alignment with our deepest knowing and way of Being.
These are the vibrations that we can pay attention to and use to create our experiences. They are the most natural ways of being, without fear and filled with gratitude and the greatest compassion, love and joy. This is a way of Being who we most deeply are and remembering Ourselves beyond our incarnated person. It is remembering our unlimited abilities, which we use to remain incarnated and to maintain the compartment of consciousness we have created to live within, for the most dramatic experiences in our conscious Being.
For this purpose, in our culture, we have deeply imprinted in ourselves the expectation of personal diminishment and demise, causing us to have a lingering fear and lack of trust in our vitality. We can recognize these aspects of ourselves as negative vibrations. If we align with them and become entranced, we become less of ourselves. By focusing on them and aligning with their vibratory qualities, we imprint our subconscious with their energetics. The subconscious then adjusts our energetic signature to resonate with those vibrations. The way out of the entrancement with negative experiences is to recognize the reverse of their vibrations. It exists as the balancing electromagnetic wave patterns of positive polarity. In order to recognize these creative energies, and to make them real experiences, we can open ourselves to their vibratory patterns, which we can feel without personal involvement.
They are the energies of enhancement of conscious life with unconditional acceptance, gratitude, joy and love. These are all expansive energies, and they are the vibrations of our essential nature. To experience negative conditions, we must overturn our true conscious essence, which is always present, when we recognize it and align with it through our attention. If we don’t recognize it, it is not present in our experience. We always have the choice of the vibratory quality that we give our attention to. In order to live in the human dimension, we experience only what we recognize and realize as real. Everything else also exists in etheric or dark matter and energy in the quantum field of all potentialities. Although we have abrogated much of our ability to direct our attention and emotions, in our infinite essence, which we deeply know within ourselves, we can remember our personal truth.
Training ourselves to remain in awareness of the vibratory levels of life-enhancement, while practicing unconditional acceptance of every experience and imaginary scenario, we can gain appreciation of our experiences and our awareness. Our lives adjust themselves to our state of being and the vibratory level of our attention. We have a stream of consciousness given to us by our subconscious for our attention and alignment. We can control this by paying attention to the vibrations with the greatest love and joy. These vibrations are the ones that carry the guidance of the conscious life-stream of our essence. By holding an alignment with them, we can utilize our infinite creative ability to realize any reality that we intend to align with.
Since we have alignments with energetic patterns, and we have the ability to choose whatever vibratory patterns we want to align with, we can choose to feel as wonderful as we allow ourselves in the presence of overwhelming freedom, love and joy. We can change energetic dimensions with our attentive focus. We exist in our eternal presence of awareness, able, with practice and commitment, to realize our essence and create whatever our heart desires.
Realizing Our True Essence
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