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When Someone Else's Happiness Is Your Paradise

When Someone Else's Happiness Is Your Paradise

The consciousness of humans of Earth is reaching the final steps of the Evolutionary Ladder in this stage of Trials and Atonement.

The souls that become ready to gallop the last step also reach the frequency that allows them to pass through the Multidimensional Portal that will lead to the New Earth.

This group of souls is now going through much needed updates, and which in a way, accelerated due to the need of time. The advancement that used to take Centuries or Millennials, can now be made in months or years. It is the acceleration in the final stretch of the long journey of such souls.

You who are in the group of the ascensioners, you can already feel how much your consciousness has expanded in recent years. You are not the same mind as you were two or three years ago. Although it is a natural and gradual process, according to the individual's ability to absorb new information, if you compare yourself with what was before with what is now, you will notice a huge difference.

Today, values have changed, and so have concepts. A lot of things that used to be important, now they are no longer. And also things that used to not appeal to you now seem to be indispensable. It's the spiral that lifts us up, toward the long-awaited ascension.

The sensations felt are infinite, and each one feels it according to his understanding. So, we use the word FEEL to define how to evaluate each progress made. As words lose their function of expressing each moment corresponding to the advancement, feeling becomes more and more necessary, for it is the one who will give you the parameters and show you the true steps on which you are stepping.

Today I bring here a very interesting reflection, about the current feeling of many of you. Remembering that it was already said in previous posts, that we are leaving a World of Competition, and entering a World of Cooperation. This makes a big difference in human consciences embodied at this moment. Competition is a tool in the Third Dimension, equivalent to a World of Test and Atonement.

Cooperation is already a characteristic of the souls that have left the Third Dimension, and are on their way to the New Earth, a World of Regeneration. The wider consciousness realizes the great difference that exists between before and after this feeling. There's a whole new understanding to life. There's a new interpretation of who we really are, and what we came here to do. And above all, there is a security in yourself, because you have an understanding of where you are headed.

This metamorphosis of the soul strongly impacts the everyday life of the incarnate. Promote change in the way you think, act and live. But above all, bring the understanding that we are ALL ONE. In fact, she steps out of separation and enters into a sense of oneness. This also explains the Darkness’s desperate attempt to promote, at all costs, situations that might keep the division between humans.

This noble feeling of oneness brings as a result another feeling even more advanced: to feel fully what the other feels. This is going to show you that the Portal of the Ascension is just ahead. Feeling saves time and words. He leads to immediate action, without hesitation. There is no room for the noisy mind to manifest old beliefs and old habits of competition and separation.

This new higher consciousness is rising in order to integrate with your own higher versions of the soul. This is indeed what is called ascension No soul ascends if the tendency is to remain attached to competition, possession, and matter. Matter known so far is energy materialized in the Third Dimension.

Gotta keep moving forward! The subtlety of matter does not mean that it ceases to exist. It will only have the importance it deserves, without interfering with human consciousness as it has been so far. Until the true innate co-creation in each of us will be understood and put into practice in the very near future. We will no longer have the need to accumulate in order not to lack, even because it has never been more than a belief or the need to go through experience.

So now you're starting to understand the title of this message. WHEN THE HAPPINESS OF THE OTHER IS YOUR PARADISE, it is giving you proof that your conscience has made the great multidimensional leap. It has already crossed the Third-Dimension timeline, and is rapidly advancing toward the New Fifth Dimension Earth. That's where the feeling will be in fact true and unmistakable. Only "the meek and pure at heart" will sit in paradise and rejoice in the happiness of each other.

We now realize that we are all ONE, and the pain of the other certainly makes us feel it as well. Therefore, in the New Earth there will be no pain and no suffering. It would be tragic if it weren't so. But before we definitely cross the Multidimensional Portal of the New Earth, we are already developing FEEL gradually. Yes, we already feel heaven only with the happiness of other humans, but we also still feel the pain and suffering that each one is going through. This is allowed by the Major Law, just so that we can help, cooperate, assist, and develop in each of us that true feeling of fraternity, equality and solidarity.

When we speak of the other, we mean all that is the creation of the Source, not only humans, but also the other kingdoms, and anything that is practiced in this Planetary house. Think about it and see how much you've grown in terms of mindfulness in these past few years. Imagine how far it will advance, because we are told that human consciences will now advance faster. A thousand-year jump will be made in just one year. This will be possible for those who allow themselves to move forward. Obviously, there will be those who prefer to stay where they are. But check if the other person's happiness no longer brings you a comfortable feeling, as if it were yours too. After all, WE ARE ALL ONE!

I am Vital Frosi, and my mission is enlightenment!


Translation by CrystalWind.ca


Vital Frosi 
Vital is a cultured man. He speak sPortuguese, Italian, Spanish, Veneto dialect and is studying English and French. He knows a lot about History and Geography. He is always up to date and follows everything that happens in the world. He doesnt't like parties. A man who believes in love. Who believes that life is only worthwhile when shared. A man who claims that the woman is the reason for everything, as she is the generative source of life. It all depends on how we conduct our actions. But most of all, we need to fulfill our mission in this lifetime. Find the path of Light, which will lead us to our ascension.

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