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Why Following Your Heart Energy Can Be Harder Than You Think
Written by Kenneth Schmitt
Currently humanity is facing chaos, pandemics, riots, demonstrations and threats of war and revolution in many countries.
People feel vulnerable, threatened and fearful. How does one live in the matrix of these energies and be the disinterested observer, while projecting love, forgiveness, compassion and joy as a state of being? The atmosphere of fear is a negative polarity, low-frequency energy, which we can transform with positive, higher-frequency energy. We can elicit this alignment at will, if we practice doing so. By being in a state of joy, we radiate that feeling and transform our life experiences. We are multi-dimensional beings who can be anywhere we focus our awareness. Only by our deepest fears and traumas are we limited. Once we recognize our limitations, we can lovingly forgive any grudges, knowing that all of our experiences have been for our learning and ultimately for the expansion of our conscious awareness.
Everything depends on knowing who we are in our essence. In our current state of being, this is not obvious to us, but we are capable of realizing it. Throughout the centuries, many spiritual masters have lived among humanity. They have told us that they are of the same essence as we are. They could bi-locate at will, perform miracles on demand, even raise the dead, and they said that we can do all of these things and more, once we know who we truly are. Further proof arises from the experiments of quantum physicists, who have determined that consciousness is the source of everything, and we participate in universal consciousness. On this level, everything is known, and our personal abilities are infinite.
How can this be? Currently most of us appear to be victims of our circumstances, but it all depends upon our beliefs and perspectives. We are here to learn mastery under difficult conditions, so that we may never feel intimidated or be defeated again. It is a psychological game in a containment of consciousness that we have devised and are playing together. In our true selves we could never take this game seriously, because we know that we are eternal, infinitely-powerful creators and fractals of the consciousness that creates everything.
Deep inside, we know this, and we know our true identity. We just have to make our way through the propaganda and false beliefs that we have acquired about ourselves. We set up this artificial container of consciousness to be as real as possible, complete with systems of religion, politics, education and indoctrination to hold us in a trance that we cannot escape from, unless we are powerfully motivated to find out the truth about ourselves . The awakening must come from within our own realization.
There are many ways to travel the inner path, and all lead to our freedom from all constraints and the realization of our eternal presence of consciousness with infinite capacity as participants in the Consciousness of the Supreme Creator. This is the basis for the realization that unconditional love is the most powerful and transformative force in existence. It is the natural essence of everything, which is why we are drawn to the feelings of love, joy and peace.
There are no random accidents or happenings. We are being asked to pay attention to everything and understand what is going on. Every dimension has a plan that we participate in. What matters is how we react, receive or just observe what happens. We are naturally sovereign beings and energy modulators, and nothing can affect us adversely without our permission. By being aware of our heart energy—the love and the joy and the gratitude—we become the observers who naturally have an expansive awareness and acceptance of every scene and experience that we encounter. The part of our lives that seems to be outside of us is a reflection of our state of being—the vibratory spectrum that we live within. We can intentionally be aware of feelings of higher vibrations. This awareness attracts experiences of the same quality, eliciting higher frequency-feeling situations or energy patterns.
Darkness doesn't actually exist apart from our attention, personally and collectively, by which we contribute our life force. It's just a low-frequency spectrum which doesn't feel good to be in. If we find ourselves in this kind of environment, we'll feel motivated to leave and look for a better-feeling space. If we can't leave, we need a strong intention to be in the light—to envelop our being in light and love, withdrawing our support for the dark energy and transforming our presence by aligning our vibrations with the consciousness flowing through our heart.
Challenges to Following Our Heart Energy
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