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How the Schumann Resonance Impacts Earth’s Heartbeat
Written by Angela Levesque Views: 1520
The Earth’s Heartbeat: What is the Schumann Resonance?
The Schumann Resonance is considered by many to be the heartbeat of the Earth.
Created by the electrical discharge from natural phenomena, the Schumann Resonances are extremely low-frequency electromagnetic waves that generate a portion of the Earth’s magnetic field. Many believe that the Schumann Resonance(s) affects biological life by synchronizing with brain waves and other physiological processes. Understanding this phenomenon can assist us in becoming more in tune with the natural rhythms of the Earth and assist us counter balancing our daily exposure to electromagnetic radiation in our modern world.
What is the Schumann Resonance?
In 1952, expanding on previous discoveries on spherical waveguides, Winfried Otto Schumann realized that the space between the earth’s surface and the ionosphere acted like a cavity. The ionosphere is an ionized region of the upper atmosphere that is formed from solar and cosmic radiation. When these waves reflect off the ionosphere and the Earth’s surface, they create standing waves. Standing waves are when two waves of the same frequency and amplitude travel in opposite directions. These standing waves resonate at specific frequencies, which are the Schumann Resonances (SR).
Cause of the Schumann Resonance
Much of the SR is thought to be caused primarily by the electrical discharge of lightning strikes and other electrical discharges from the atmosphere. The ionosphere acts as an amplifying chamber by bouncing the electromagnetic waves back and forth within the cavity. Enough lightning strikes are happening at any moment around the earth to continually excite these SRs. While the frequencies are not static, the lowest of these frequencies called the fundamental mode resonates at 7.8 Hz. There are several other, less strong harmonic waves resonating at 14.3, 20.8, 27.3 and 33.8 Hz. These frequencies together make up the Schumann Resonances.
Connecting to Brain Waves
Most human brain wave frequencies occur within 0.5-34 Hz which is the range of the first four modes of SR. The electrical activity in the brain, characterized by its frequency and amplitude, is associated with unique mental states and processes. There are five main types of brain waves, each associated with different states of consciousness and cognitive functions.
- Delta waves (0.5-4 Hz) are the slowest brain waves that are primarily observed during deep sleep. It is during this phase of sleep that healing and regeneration occurs. Interestingly, these waves are prominent in very young children and states of unconsciousness.
- Theta waves (4-8 Hz) are commonly associated with early stages of sleep. Theta waves are also linked to creativity, intuition, REM sleep and deep meditation.
- Alpha waves (8-12 Hz) are associated with relaxation, daydreaming, and mindfulness meditation. If you were to close your eyes and focus on your breath but stay awake, your brain would exhibit alpha wave oscillations. The alpha wave state is connected to the fundamental frequency of the SR.
- Beta waves (12-30 Hz) are associated with active, alert, and focused mental states. They are the dominant oscillations when we are actively engaged in decision-making, problem-solving, and activities that require mental acuity.
- Gamma waves (30-100 Hz) are associated with high-level cognitive functioning, information processing, and integrating information from various regions of the brain. In studying the brains of monks during meditation, they found they exhibited much more gamma wave activity than a novice meditator. Many people believe that gamma wave states can enable higher states of awareness and perception.
Frequency Spikes
In recent history, we have seen large spikes in the harmonic frequencies. These instances are becoming increasingly common. For example, in January of 2017, the SRs spiked to frequencies over 36 Hz. Near the end of 2019, we saw the SR reach 156 Hz. Then there have been several instances since then reaching up to 170 Hz in February of 2020 followed by a spring of several spikes over 76 Hz. Scientists believe this is due to increasing solar activity and other astronomical events such as comets and meteorites. However, some people believe that it arises from our interconnectedness to the sun and the Earth herself. As the Earth and the inhabitants awaken in to higher states of consciousness, so too will the harmonic SRs.
Why This Matters?
There has been some interesting research on the correlation between our heart rate variability (variations between heartbeats), cosmic rays, solar activity, and SR. Indicating that our bodies are in tune with planetary and cosmic changes. A study found that heart rate variability was influenced by the power of the SR. As this connection increases it creates a more coherent autonomic nervous system response. Which has the potential to positively influence all emotional, cognitive, and physiological processes. Leading to improved sleep, enhanced immune function, and a decrease in stress and anxiety.
Other studies have found that humans and other animals have magnetoreceptors that can detect the Earth’s magnetic field. Birds may actually be able to not only perceive but see the earth’s magnetic field due to proteins in their eyes. In a study by Caltech geophysicist Joseph Kirschvink and neuroscientist Shin Shimojo that focused on brain wave activity. They found that human brains could detect changes in magnetic fields and would drop the brain wave activity of some participants into a dominant alpha wave state. The same frequency as the fundamental mode of the SR.
Other Electromagnetic Frequencies
The SR is considered extremely low-level frequency waves. In addition, we are exposed to electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) emitted from radio towers, cell phones, Wi-Fi etc. well above SR frequencies by both natural and man-made sources. For comparison, a plugged-in home appliance emits at a frequency of 50-60 Hz but a cell phone while calling emits an average of 0.7-2.7 GHz. For those that need a little help 1 GHz = 1,000,000,000 Hz. And a cell phone tower emits 1.9 MHz (1900 MHz = 1,900,000,000 Hz). So we are bombarded every day by electromagnetic frequencies that are astronomical in comparison to the SR and largely out of our control.
Counterbalancing EMFs
There are several things we can do to try to counterbalance our exposure. Here are a few suggestions:
- Earthing – With bare feet, connect/breathe with Mother Earth (See Video Below)
- Unplug – Take frequent breaks from all technology.
- Meditate – Bring your brain waves into coherence with the SR.
- Practice or receive energy medicine modalities – These also align the body, mind and spirit with SRs.
- Don’t sleep with your phone near your body. Remember the closer in distance you are to something, the more EMFs you are exposed to.
- Used corded headphones vs Bluetooth technology.
- Be in nature – Not only will you get away from a good portion of the EMFs you are exposed to, but you also receive the beauty and health benefits of the natural world.
- Practice good sleep habits – Remember this is when your body heals and restores itself. It also brings you in to several brainwave states that align you with the SRs.
Our brains are wired to synchronize with the rhythms of Mother Earth. As modern technology increases electromagnetic pollution through devices like cell phones and Wi-Fi, see the Schumann resonance as nature’s counterbalance. Engage in various practices and habits that assist you in re-connecting yourself to the brain wave states that are beneficial to your health and well-being. And help you deepen your connection to Mother Earth.
Reprinted exclusively on with written permission from Angela Levesque.
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