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Daily Angel Message: Inner Harvest
Written by Cat

Cat’s Angel Message for July 28, 2023
July’s Theme: You will be receiving important guidance this month regarding your path. Help things along by making room and staying in balance. If something compels you to take action this is the time to go for it!
Change your perspective by looking at things through the creative lens. ~Cat
Today’s Message:
728: The key to abundance can be found in acknowledging the blessings that we have. This generates a positive flow of energy which draws new blessings to us.
Our message today is a reminder that the flow of divine abundance always surrounds us. As we approach the first of the Pagan harvest festivals, Lammas/ Lughnasadh, it’s a great time to take stock of what you have and you may even find some things ready to harvest. The old adage of “counting your blessings” really comes into play over the next few days. It’s time to harvest from our inner fields and gardens and embrace the richness and tiny miracles that fill our lives. You truly have more abundance that you realize. If you feel lacking in that area a change of perpective is always a good plan.
Today’s Spirit Helpers include:
Archangel Raphael teaches us that it is through our spiritual journey that we can heal our selves and our lives and regain our self confidence and faith. This opens our spiritual eyes so that we may see what we have and how blessed we truly are as it teaches us how to make room for new things through the clearing out process. He helps to clear the way so that we can achieve balance by removing the blocks associated with giving and receiving by promoting flexibility in thinking and attitude.
The Ascended Master Kuthumi helps us to navigate the distractions of everyday life. He encourages us to focus on what’s important right now and to stop fighting the things that we have no control over, which blocks our problem solving and creative flow. Things flow easier when we are not struggling against the “what if’s and maybes.
The Greek Goddess Iris teaches us that miracles of beauty can happen in a instant. She says “Open your eyes, both physical and spiritual, then open you heart and allow the divine light to fill you. This will help you see the blessings and the beauty that are right before your eyes. Take nothing for granted.”
Today’s Sacred Stones include:
Dalmation Stone. This light hearted stone is a combination of quartz, microline and black tourmaline. It instills feelings of safety as it helps us to reconnect with our playful side which is important to our emotional health and it transforms outdated thinking during times when we feel stuck and enables our forward progress by encouraging a fresh perspective This stone also promotes grounding and enhances our connection to Mother Earth.It reminds us that we are a part of her as well as being spiritual beings on a very human journey.
Okenite helps clear away obstacles and teaches us the important lesson that the universe is filled with unlimited possibilities when we allow ourselves to face and adapt to change. It helps us to find our inner strength so that we can finish what we start.
Ruby, which promotes energy and balance. This gemstone is also a stone of abundance, however it tempers this with clarity and focus while eliminating self destructive patterns that can get in the way of our goals motivation.
Bright blessings for a magickal day!
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