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Today's Angel Message: Three Options

Today's Angel Message: Three Options

Cat’s Angel Message for January 15, 2025

The year 2025 is deemed a Universal Year, with the single digit 9 (2+0+2+5=9) representing the end of a cycle. This suggests that we should mindfully release things and allow relationships, ventures, jobs, habits, etc., to reach their natural conclusion. Rather than forcing outcomes, we should let them unfold naturally, surrounding them positive energy and then releasing them. It is time to make room for new beginnings.

January Crystals: GarnetStrength and protection. Rose QuartzCreativity and imagination. AmethystProblem solving and decision making.

Adapt to the changes occurring and open the doors to new opportunities. Cat

Today’s Message:

115: The new year, like any new cycle, brings new beginnings and opportunities for change. Remember that the key to embracing change lies in our perception of it and how we handle it. There are three options when it comes to change:

Fight it: Resisting change hinders our growth on emotional, mental, and spiritual and generates unnecessary stress, preventing us from reaching our desired dreams and goals. It exhausts us on all fronts, leaving us drained and vulnerable.

Ignore it: Change will happen anyway; however, we forfeit our control of the creation process and may end settling for less. If we follow this path, change blindsides, which can also cause stress, fear, and anxiety.

Work with it: This allows you to take an active role in the creation process. By embracing change, we can set things in motion, then allow them to unfold naturally and nudge them along as needed. This invites our creative energy forward, which aids our powers of perspective.

Today, the Universe encourages us to embrace change and elevate our thinking. Remain focused on what is important your life and continue striving for a positive outcome. Adapt to the changes occurring and open the doors to new opportunities.

Today’s Spirit Helpers include:

  • Archangel Jeremiel oversees life reviews and changes. He assists in recognizing recent achievements and identifying areas that require attention, helping us release what is no longer necessary. By taking inventory of our lives, he provides a clear perspective on our current path, facilitating positive life changes. Jeremiel alleviates the fear of change and the unknown future, replacing it with a sense of hopeful anticipation.

  • The Ascended Master Serapis Bey assists us in releasing our troubles and provides clear guidance and motivation for our self-improvement. He also aids us in gaining spiritual insight and teaches that loving care is essential for navigating change.

  • The Yoruban Goddess Oya embodies the winds of change. She tells us, “Allow the winds of change to flow through your being. In their wake, they will leave new energy seeds for you to plant. Use these seeds to help you on your journey. Remember, child, that change must be embraced, not ignored or simply tolerated. Allow these changes to inspire and encourage you to transcend your self-imposed limitations.”

Today’s Sacred Stones include:

  • Howlite aids us in formulating plans and achieving our ambitions and goals. It helps us communicate these intentions in a calm and reasonable manner tempered with patience. Howlite also creates a link to the universal realms and prepares mind to receive guidance.

  • Yellow Jasper helps provide clarity both mental and emotional levels It guides us in a positive direction while assisting us in finding realistic and solutions to attain our goals.

  • Smoky Quartz helps to neutralize negative energy and teaches us how to work through the fear of failure which can show up during times of change and transformation. It also promotes clear insight and focus which helps us to leave behind the things that no longer serve us and make room for the blessings headed your way.

Bright blessings for a magickal day!


I’m Cat from Grand Jct. Colorado. I’m married, pagan, owned by a “clowder” of cat’s and enjoy crystals, tree hugging, books, belly dancing, photography and numerous outdoor activities.
I am the owner/ jewelry creator of Cat’s Treasure Trove (found here on my WP site!) and  the group Sacred Spirals: The place where all paths meet, on Facebook. In my spare time I am a  part time caregiver for my mother who is entering the realm of dementia.

I invite you to share my work as long as no changes are made and to check out my websites:

Sacred Spirals on Facebook: The place where all paths meet  

The Desert Path: The Dusty Ramblings of a Desert Pagan

Cat’s Treasure Trove: An eclectic  collection of jewelry & gifts
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