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Ascension Alert: Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction Update

Ascension Alert: Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction Update

We are heading into one of the most important passages of this year, the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction both at 21 degrees of the fixed earth sign Taurus.

A planetary encounter that is triggering a massive Soul Emerald awakening, for those holding this lineage. A time as well for planetary healing, focusing now on our earth plane, helping the earth's roots and all living forms in their transfiguration process. 

The Emerald awakening that many of you are experiencing at this time is nothing like we have ever witnessed on earth, for it is time for you to stand firm in who you are and your universal mission.

My Guides share the importance for All who feel guided at this time to activate and ground your monadic earth chakra, six inches beneath our feet, as one of the most important tasks to achieve, so we can ground our healing codes and mission. When this process is achieved, many of you who are awakening at this time, or have been for a while, will experience the kundalini activation required for you to trigger your ascension.

When we come into our earth plane, we have many different agreements, with humans, other benevolent beings, and many energies, which also accompany us in our birth portal. The current planetary energies are helping those who are now awakening, in healing the first chakra triad, for as you know, as humans, our three main chakras hold the majority of our traumas, and this is why when our kundalini energy awakens is so painful, for it is in truth helping us to heal, reconnect, activate and reprogram years of hidden pain, programs and many other self-created, inherited or manipulative patterns.

This conjunction will activate this inner transformation in many of you, for as ascending souls you all have a specific time to remember who you are, and for many of you with Emerald-Blue lineage, the time has come. It is time to build your hara line, the kundalini energy in our coccyx is connected to it, as the hara line is born out of our navel in two directions, Above and Below. 

Allowing the plasma infusions we are receiving, is also vital to start healing and reconnecting the light body, completing the process of kundalini rising by reconnecting our spine, nervous system, and gradually our template and chakras.

This is also a time for many of you to clear masculine distortions, DNA strand imprints, and galactic traumas, especially related to Aldebaran, Pleiades, and Venus, for the energies descending upon our planet support this personal task. 

At a personal level, the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction will also bring us the opportunity for personal transformation, as this conjunction signifies profound growth for all who are immersed in a creational phase.

An event that brings innovation, expansion, change, and the opportunity for us to creatively build our new lives. A shifting phase as well for our relationships, for as we grow and evolve so do our relationships, embracing encounters that are now aligned to who we are, and our personal purpose. 

A manifestations vortex is opening as we step into this planetary alignment, allowing us to co-create with energies that invite us to work on innovation, and hence the creation of something new, more in synchronization with who we are becoming and our new dimensional frequency, as the more we act as a trinity, the more unified our manifestations will be too.

We came to our planet with many beings and benevolent energies that help us become who we are, and create the life experience that will be for our highest good. Our task is to learn how to remember, realign, and become the masters that we are in our own lives.

We are on the threshold of becoming the empowered and sovereign beings that we originally were made to be. Every challenge you experience is an opportunity for you to decide whether it will serve you to decay and continue to live as the person you are not, or to become stronger, wiser, and the only authority in your life.

May you choose to be the loving, empowered, and resilient being that you are, Beloveds.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba

Natalia Alba : Is an EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), Crystal Therapist and Reiki Master, even though, she prefers to heal in her unique and personal way guided by her Unified Self/Guides, using crystals and sound healing therapy, as she considers that studies help us to expand ourselves into our journey of self-mastery and assistance to others but nothing external can give us the wisdom that we already possess within. Her services are based on the Guidance she receives from her Unified Self and Spirit Guides, which comes from the same Fountain of Love and Light of All That Is. Giving you the messages you need to evolve and keep discovering more about your life path as well as your Soul quest/mission. She also helps you to realize where you are at the moment and what can be shifted for the betterment of you own self and human experience, so you can be able to transform your present moment to create the future you are eager to experience as well as giving you some direction to get to where you want to be by solving and transcending the troubles that are impeding your happiness and natural soul evolution.

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