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Aurora Family Calls: Clear, Heal, and Embrace Your Divine Mission

Aurora Family Calls: Clear, Heal, and Embrace Your Divine Mission

Beloved Ones,

Our Aurora family is again very present at this time of our ascension journey.

A time of planetary clearing, retrieval, unification, and above all transfiguration, a process that will last for many years and that is linked to the same one many of us are experiencing.

As we continue transcending our lower chakra membranes and embodying our illumine chakra system, we will connect more with the Auroras, for many of you have a mission of planetary restoration with them as well.

Many of you are remembering your soul contracts with the Auroras, White Elohim, Guardians of our planet, and many other benevolent beings that are helping you become who you are – a divine emissary in service to All.

Many of you are now being called by the Luminaires to assist them, on a three-dimensional level, in clearing all planetary distortions, helping the elementals in their process of transfiguration.

We are in a constant retrieval process. When we are ready at a soul and human level, as both need to be aligned, our soul family will wake up, connect, and send us all we need to prepare ourselves to be of service.

The moment is not determined by us, but by God, who knows best when is the time for us to step up and become the leaders and way-showers that we are.

Our mission is to work on ourselves, to propitiate this moment. The when’s, how’s, and where’s are not in our hands. Our healing and clearing process is. The more we heal, the closer we get to our purpose and desired creations.

We are again receiving SOL-AR transmissions to help us in our mission of conscious reconnection and recalibration of our lower bodies. During this time focusing on our solar and atomic bodies is essential to learn how to integrate energy, remove old ones, and above all, release all debris and lower forms of consciousness from our bodies.

Many of you are experiencing in your sexual organs, the second chakra, and emotional body, for all of them are one in truth, many blockages due to non-benevolent modifications, old traumas, and many other inserts that are attached to your sexual life force, impeding the complete creation of your soul desires, in the physical.

This is a time with the current energies and Leo still ruling our heavens to utilize these fiery energies to stabilize both essences, our solar and silver ones, burning any remnants of old imprints, implants, inserts or anything that is disempowering our bodies, for this is what precisely impedes the construction of our hara line or silver cord, and hence the connection to our soul and monad.

The majority of the blockages in our silver cord, as I see daily, are in our sexual organs and solar plexus, the majority of them past traumas from this and other parallel timelines, three-dimensional self-created programs and inserted ones, and above all, sexual manipulations.

When we liberate our life force we become sovereign of our energy and bodies, which is why it is important to clear our three-dimensional bodies of all traumas and distortions, for once we cross this barrier, we can regain both our solar and sexual force, and anchor ourselves in the so-called fifth dimension, which is just a number to represents our inner frequency.

The dimensions are timelines we create with every thought, feeling, and action. All is real. All is happening at the same time, for all is parallel,, the darkness, the light, the evolution, and the chaos at the same time, for all has a place within Creation.

You choose where to place your consciousness, and what to experience and emphasize. What you decide to feed will determine the timeline you are personally creating, and nothing and no one else.

Your feelings, thoughts, acts, and life experiences will tell you where you are in your ascension path. There is no rush, we all have time to wake up, start ascending, and heal what is hidden within ourselves.

Your life and relationships are the best mirrors to show you what you need to heal, see, unify, and release. No one else is better than what you are creating yourself to show you if you are where you desire to be, or if there is yet in your life toxicity, dependency, both spiritual and emotional, egoic patterns, disconnection, depression, anxiety and many other signs that show you where you are.

These feelings and experiences do not show you that you are not where you need to be. They show you where you are, to get to where you desire to be next.

All we experience is a constant message to help us see what we often do not want to, how we can address it, and how we can move in our desired direction.

What determine if you are in a fifth-dimensional timeline, is not the energies, or others, but yourself, through the frequency you choose to hold within.

The fifth dimension or New Earth is a state of being, as it all starts within.

Every day you have the opportunity to choose again, differently, brighter, more loving, compassionately, and start creating a new energetic detour, or not at all, for only you can have the power to write, and re-write your own story, as you desire.

May you choose to dwell in the highest possible illumined and loving frequency, Beloveds.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba : Is an EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), Crystal Therapist and Reiki Master, even though, she prefers to heal in her unique and personal way guided by her Unified Self/Guides, using crystals and sound healing therapy, as she considers that studies help us to expand ourselves into our journey of self-mastery and assistance to others but nothing external can give us the wisdom that we already possess within. Her services are based on the Guidance she receives from her Unified Self and Spirit Guides, which comes from the same Fountain of Love and Light of All That Is. Giving you the messages you need to evolve and keep discovering more about your life path as well as your Soul quest/mission. She also helps you to realize where you are at the moment and what can be shifted for the betterment of you own self and human experience, so you can be able to transform your present moment to create the future you are eager to experience as well as giving you some direction to get to where you want to be by solving and transcending the troubles that are impeding your happiness and natural soul evolution.

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