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How Pure Crystalline Frequencies Impact Energy Shifts
Written by Sandra Walter
![How Pure Crystalline Frequencies Impact Energy Shifts How Pure Crystalline Frequencies Impact Energy Shifts](/images/stories/awakening/swalter/crystalline3.jpg)
Redesign your reality.
This energy shift continues with the most refined crystalline harmonics and frequencies we have experienced so far.
Crystalline DNA, heart magnetics, LightBody, brain, and spine are stimulated into the next phase of expansion, raising prepared consciousness to higher realm states.
It feels quite different than previous waves, due to the presence of Mother Plasma now held within Gaia's fields, and the amplification of the Infinite Kryst Field for our Ascension.
More than your heart has felt, more than your mind has considered, and more than the body has experienced.
Some Remarkable Effects of the Energy Shift:
Realm Collapse
So much is happening in the etheric structure of the realms themselves; both deconstruction of the lower realms, as well as bridging activity to walk us through these radical jumps in frequency.
Many are witnessing the structure collapse, which is largely due to magnetic filed collapse. Sometimes we hear it during energy shifts, crashes, explosions, or cracking noises in the etheric realms. That has increased this week, and is a good indicator that the timelines/narratives of old trajectories are no longer viable. We hear sounds because all of this is based on harmonics. Lower harmonics collapse with dense sounds, and higher harmonics come in with higher tones and frequency sensations.
Acceleration of Aligned Choices
We were advised to be actively involved in new service creation during this shift, and that activity is producing miracles and synchronicities for many. Creative Action = Creative Support.
Significant support for new services, projects, and ways of creating our realities are flowing through the Kryst field. I AM witnessing this in Private Sessions; Those in active, flowing creation of aligned service are experiencing embodiment of Presence clearer and faster than ever before. Creation unfolds with an ease that may surprise us.
Narrative Shifts
Sudden positive shifts in collective and personal trajectories. Attune to long-term outcomes, and see the purpose of some events. Read the field properly; release the lower mind from confirmation bias or judgment.
Monad and Soul Group Bonds Dissolving
This ongoing change is amplified with the energy shift. Realize that everything in our realities is being reorganized for positive outcomes. This is the effect of the New Light, the Infinite Kryst Field, and Cosmic Mother Plasma.
We don't incarnate as groups with 'contracts for lessons' any longer. All Souls are free from those entanglements since 2018. Resolution of conflict, drama or trauma in family monads and soul groups has already occurred in the higher realms. What you are witnessing is the rapid sorting out of old frequencies and stories, to align with freedom from past contracts and incarnating as groups.
The collapse of old realms includes everything attached to it. Much of what is sorted out in the old Soul monads is just floated from the past. In this New light, you may resolve those issues and change the relationship with more ease and grace than ever, through the power of the Crystalline Heart, DNA, and Infinite Kryst Field.
Most often we don't abandon fellow monad travelers, we transform the relationship into loving friendships or new co-creative relationships. Often you will have to change your role, communication style, or expectations to align with the new.
This is an opportunity for gratitude, compassion, and appreciation from your fellow family monad or Soul group companions. Let them have their journey. Shift the relationship with love, patience, Divine Neutrality (literally dissolves duality) and peacemaking, and everyone in the group may experience this new freedom with more ease.
Less Particle, More Wave
Even with the myriad of ways the lower levels (body, mind, emotions, ego) experience energy shifts, there is a unified symptom as this shift unfolds: Pure Crystalline frequencies and harmonics penetrating our consciousness. It feels beautiful, expansive, heart-opening, and notably different.
There is an excitement shaking our cellular structure out of dense realm constructs. Regardless of what the external revelations present, the inner world is birthing something brand new right through us.
Revelations come quickly and often; let them flow in witness state. Notice when you are influenced by the external, or your own internal fears. Take a breath, and focus on Source within the heart.
Events below my signature.
Sending everyone Infinite LoveLight for new creations and heart-opening expansion during this energy shift. See you in the field ~ Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!
In Love, Light, and Service,
Sandra Walter is a Wayshower and Ascension Guide who serves the Truth of Love, Source and Light Intelligence.
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