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How to Tap Into Unlimited Energy from Chalice Well Secrets
Written by Aluna Joy Yaxk'in
*** Read in a space of quiet introspection.
The guardians of Chalice Well are asking us to go back in time, in our mind's eye, to a time of innocence.
They ask us to remember a world where there was more trust and less fear. Back in their day, it was taken for granted that the creator provided everything they needed without question. Our current collective society has made us lose this core trust in the universe's ability to provide everything we need. They see us worry too much about our survival, which confuses them as it is so unnatural to do so. They are hoping to inspire us to trust in the universe as they do. They want us to remember we are divine beings. Because everything in the universe will come to us if we just trust it is there. So they ask you to read this message with deep intention, with a knowing that it contains energetic coding that will trigger this ancient memory.
They share that we do "know" the wisdom that the universe supplies what we need but sadly do not live it or practice it. We live in a world where a pure level of trust is not modeled for us or taught as a possibility. No one shows us how to live with deep trust. They know that, as human beings, most of us live by what was modeled to us, taught to us, or programmed into us. Yet we are here to be bridges and system busters and to live abundantly. We must anchor this truth beyond the old modeling and negative programming.
They want us to go back to an ancient, timeless time of pure potential in our minds, a place where there was very little mental clutter and filled with unlimited space from which to create. There were also minimal distractions in the past. They want us to trust ourselves at a very core, encompassing, beautiful way. If you truly trust your life and your Divine Path by living this, the universe will provide everything you need every moment.
They want you to dive deep into that pure place where you and the universe are ONE. A place where nothing can be denied. They want to help us break away from the old patterns we grew up with while within an environment that was permeated with limitation and suffering. We need to be free of ego-based beings that tried to control us or program us to rely on outside sources of "truth" for survival. You do not need this anymore, and you never did. They know we are open to this leap of trust now. They see that we are searching and willing to grow. So, they are eager to share this energy with you.
So go to that pure place inside of you where the Source of All Life is within YOU, and you are ONE with ALL LIFE and connected to the ALL and EVERYTHING.
Even in their time, Mary, Jeshua, Joseph of Arimathea, and all the women and men who traveled with them to this area, much of the world was not living in truth. They held the last vestiges of this wisdom, ensuring we would not lose this unlimited ability on Earth. But they grieved the way the world had digressed quickly now. It is very much like how we are grieving as we watch the world digress in our current time.
They believe that this digression is an opportunity. Cracks are forming within the system, and we can infuse the light of this wisdom into them. We can widen the cracks further so everyone on the planet can finally understand the freedom of unlimited creation and that they are ONE with the universe.
In this world, there is nothing to fight over, nothing to hoard, nothing to fear, nothing to compete with, and nothing is lost to us. All of creation is still within us. We must acknowledge this truth in a deeply sentient / feeling / experiential way.
At this point in this message, they are sending us ENERGY, LOVE, BALANCE, and HEALING. They send this to us because we have been devalued by others over many lifetimes and have lost this wisdom of unlimited universal abundance, and it was replaced with fear and lack. Many reading the now were persecuted for speaking their truth. This has made us lose trust in ourselves and created insidious and covert ways where we don't listen to our hearts. We play nice with others to not rock the boat, but at the expense of our own peace. They want us to quit sacrificing our inner peace to make others feel comfortable. When we sacrifice our inner peace, it goes against our Unlimited Creative Force of Natural Universal Balance.
They want you and me to know in your hearts that you are HOLY and SACRED and ONE with the Universe, and we are a part of each other.
(You have now been gently downloaded with endless self-replenishing light. This only happens if you have agreed.)
Cracks are forming in all worldly systems, from global governments down to the individual level. These cracks are where we can gently inoculate our light. Use this endless replenishing light to inoculate the world. This energy is like a homeopathic remedy. Reactivate your light like a homeopathic remedy. You are a living, breathing, 100% sustainable world healing remedy and a bridge to a world of lighter frequency. When we give this energy, we never lose the master light within us. (This is the energy they infused our group with yesterday at the Ladies Chapel in Glastonbury Abbey, but it is now encoded in this message.) This energy will not dissipate and will become stronger the more we use it. So, we will inoculate the cracks in the world's system with wild abandon.
The beings of light that are with us now and are excited for us. They know what we will do, they could not. But they did build a bridge for us, and we are now crossing it. They have long-held space for this time!
They offer this message to anyone with an open heart and are provided with an opportunity to serve in this way. They are holding space for all sisters and brothers to wake up and feel their divinity inside of them. Knowing this divinity is the first big step, but having a sensory "lightbulb" experience of this divinity is the truth! They don't just want you to know it; they want you to EXPERIENCE IT.
We will walk into this new world with Enlightened Neutrality. Enlightenment is the sensory remembering in our hearts of our Truth and Divinity. Neutrality is living from a place of unconditional love and pure flowing acceptance of the life process within the diversity of living beings on Earth. We rise above division and separation. We are equal, and no one is better or lesser than any other. We are ONE family.
Now, let all they shared with you drop down into your heart. Have it anchor through your body and down into the center of the earth, grounding it like the roots of a tree. The winds of change can blow in the tree's branches, but the roots will never move. They know the winds of change are coming, and we will live as the calm in the storm. Be a tree. Be an inoculator of light!
It is my hope that the beautiful frequencies we felt during this message does in fact translate for you who read this.
Great blessings to you all
Aluna Joy
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