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Next Steps for Our Ascension Journey with Isis
Written by Jenny Schiltz

Hi everyone!
Isis connected with me to share a message. I hope it finds you well.
”You are in a very unique time. Some will feel as if they are in a void space. Some will feel like they are in a pressure cooker, waiting for the release. Some will feel that they are in a cyclone being tossed about.
Each person is in their own space, their own reality, and this will become more and more apparent as the days progress.
As previously discussed, many are in the great unwinding. You are unwinding the limitations of time and the limitations of your stories and programming. All of this is important and noble work; however, we caution that you do not get lost in the process of unwinding.
As you follow the spiral down, be sure to ground yourself into the here and now; this will allow you to investigate the threads in your life from a place of greater neutrality.
You may see where past decisions, behaviors, and understandings created turmoil and pain in your life. Some will be tempted to go into blame and shame without realizing that this, too, is a pattern that needs to be unwound. It is best to look at it all through the eyes of neutrality and observation. See the patterns, watch them unwind, but do your best not to get caught in the negative vortex of emotions. The vortex of emotions will sap your energy, which is vital now.
There is a critical new phase to this unwinding. It is the creation, the dreaming of the new.
As you know, you are in a new space. You have been challenged to see it through new eyes, to let go of what was and all you thought you knew, and to see things through the eyes of a child (wonderment and appreciation). The more one rises to these challenges, the more one is able to unwind from large constructs such as the collective energy pull and time.
We now challenge you, we now invite you, to take this one step forward. It is time to write the next chapter in your book.
Should you visit your Akash, you will find only the briefest outline as you are in a new space, a new chapter. There has been a falling away as the old contracts and roles were completed. Now is the time to build the new.
You have been unwinding yourself to understand yourself, your world, and the law of cause and effect at a much deeper level.
Now we ask, what have you learned? Can you now take that learning to create the new in your life?
How does the next chapter in your book read? What will you create for yourself?
The creation of the new is equally, if not more important than the dissolving of the old.
Often, the dissolving of the old and the shakeups within the human collective take up much of a person’s time and creative energy. This is, of course, by design.
Understand that if one has nothing created in the new, they will cling to the old, re-creating it as they curse the things that do not, cannot change.
We ask you now, we challenge you now, to begin creating once again, using your vital Source energy to shift yourself and your world through positive dreaming and goal creation.”
Sending you lots of love as we move through this massive transition and work to create the new!
Image Courtesy of The Crystal Wind Oracle and Artist Lisa Iris -
Jenny Schiltz is a Bridger between the dimensions, she is able to hear and see those in other dimensions, creating a bridge for the information to flow. She channels some of the Ascended Masters delivering messages for humanity during this exciting time. She also uses this ability to help others get in touch with their spirit guides, who offer support and guidance for the journey. If you are interested in a reading or Ascension guidance sessions please email her at
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