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Preparing for the New Cycle

Preparing for the New Cycle

Beloved Ones,

The silence that now reigns is an ally for us to prepare for this New Cycle.

Silence is what propitiates the descension of Divine transmissions, as the healing we need to remove anomalies and continue embodying our true potential. A new phase marked by Pluto moving into Aquarius, as well as two more Planets: Neptune and Saturn, moving into Aries in 2025 that will determine our new cosmic route.

We are moving from being followers to leaders, for we are all made of the same Divine Light and Wisdom. It is now more than ever when we need to move inward, heal, recover, and prepare to transition into our new destination, becoming the empowered, free beings that we were created to be.

A path that we have been weaving during this year, realigning, recalibrating, and retrieving our connection to our Soul, Monad, and God's Source. It is now time with the coming lunation in Scorpio and its energies governing this month, for profound revelations, as when we are ready to receive the Truth, in body, mind, and soul, we are sent all we need to know for this time we are living.

Disengaging from what we want to happen, holding no expectations, and surrendering to the Truth and the Divine within us will prevent us from experiencing egoic attachments to situations and outcomes that we do not know if they would have been for our highest good or not.

This is a time to remain in our Higher Hearts, deepening into our feelings, for they are our best compass to navigate our reality, paying attention to what our bodies are telling us through body communion, scanning our bodies, and asking them to show us what we need to release, heal or clear at this time.

It is a propitious time with Scorpio to continue clearing all that is not allowing us to move forward. All that still ties us to the past, to others who have fulfilled their mission in our journey, and all the memories we keep feeding, that only keep us attached to an old timeline.

Allow a higher consciousness to inundate your body, soul, and mind, healing and removing all that is not You. Scorpio teaches us how to commune with our feelings and Divine Consciousness, realigning to our Soul plan and mission.

It is only when we are brave to look at our shadows that we can know ourselves, heal, and strengthen our connection to ourselves and All. Saturn is a strong influence in this Scorpion moon and will help us take responsibility for who we are, and for our feelings, from an empowered and balanced perspective, as guilt only impedes us from moving forward, and forgiving ourselves and others.

Scorpio energies will help us liberate our mind-brain from false implants, beliefs, and anything that impedes the free flow of Divine Light, so we can balance heart-mind, activate our thymus - Higher Heart - or as I call it Soul portal, and start functioning from a natural, compassionate and loving space.

To do so, desiring it is not enough, we need to work with all aspects of ourselves and at all levels. My Guides share the importance of our anatomical body in ascension not just to prepare our bodies for physical ascension and density emancipation, but for them to be able to act as Divine channels to allow the Light in.

For all who are guided, resonate, or are working with it already, my Guides shared the importance at this time of working with our sphenoid bone, which is one of the bones of a total of our 22 cranium bones, the only one that is connected to all the other ones, and the responsible one for connecting the neurocranium to the facial skeleton.

It also supports the pituitary gland function, key to our spiritual awakening. Some of you have anomalies in this bone, resulting in having interferences when receiving guidance.

This bone is responsible for light projection, especially when we are working with our mission of sending healing, planetarily speaking, or in any way our mission requires it. It receives divine guidance and the healing transmissions we are anchoring in what we are meant to work with. Many times we feel disturbances in the field, and this is too the bone that allows us to find these misalignments.

When working with ascension, we cannot deny the importance of every part of our body, as if we only work at a soul level, we will not solve the many blockages that our bodies have and need to be released.

Ascension mechanics is how we prepare the body for ascension, and our inner work is what will determine the final outcome of moving into a harmonic timeline.

At this time it is very important to reconnect all aspects of ourselves and our body, becoming more unified and whole, so we can step into density emancipation, a phase that will be new for many of you and that requires working a lot with our bodies.

We are here to be the pavers of this new path that is now opening for many who are crossing the veils of illusion. This is a wonderful time with Scorpio energies to realize the many consciousness traps we still possess and move into a freer space, thinking and feeling for ourselves, something that has now become a privilege, due to the many attempts to control our consciousness.

This so-called New Cycle or Era that we are gradually building is precisely about sharing from an empowered, sovereign but humble and non-manipulative space. To do so, we need to be in harmony and deep communion with who we are and our Divinity.

I wish you a loving and revealing passage!

May you always recognize your Wisdom, Power of creation, and choice, Beloveds.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba

Natalia Alba : Is an EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), Crystal Therapist and Reiki Master, even though, she prefers to heal in her unique and personal way guided by her Unified Self/Guides, using crystals and sound healing therapy, as she considers that studies help us to expand ourselves into our journey of self-mastery and assistance to others but nothing external can give us the wisdom that we already possess within. Her services are based on the Guidance she receives from her Unified Self and Spirit Guides, which comes from the same Fountain of Love and Light of All That Is. Giving you the messages you need to evolve and keep discovering more about your life path as well as your Soul quest/mission. She also helps you to realize where you are at the moment and what can be shifted for the betterment of you own self and human experience, so you can be able to transform your present moment to create the future you are eager to experience as well as giving you some direction to get to where you want to be by solving and transcending the troubles that are impeding your happiness and natural soul evolution.

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